I got home a little late from work this evening, and my wife was getting ready for the bookstudy. She was quite happy and we began to discuss the days activities. Things were going great. Until, she asked me if I was going to the bookstudy with her. I told her I wouldn't be going,as I had some things I wanted to get done around the house. She asked me if I was sick. I said no. Happiness gone for yet another evening, inspite of the fact that I attended Sunday and Tuesday with her.
We've had ongoing arguments about what I consider to be excessive amounts of meetings. She repeats the wt mantra that we, "must not forsake the gathering of ourselves together". (Heb 10:24,25) I repeat my illustration that if I were to form my own religion, and called for meeting seven nights a week, could I rightfully use Hebrews 10:24,25 to brow beat those who could not make every one. Besides, we are studying the Isaiah book, which contains so much speculation and conjecture, I have a hard time not speaking up about it. Instead, I sit there like a bump on a log doing nobody any good.
My wife and I have a great relationship and I love her dearly. It's just frustrating to have small moments of peace and joy drained from our family through an atmosphere of religious intolerance fostered by wtbts teaching.
Sorry if this sounds like ranting.
Tech 597