The Org. covering up the SHUNNING POLICY !!
by Phizzy 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals
"The government wants to force us to change our scriptural beliefs regarding shunning. But we're certainly not going to do that."
(Did I get that right?)
Famous (almost) last words of Tight Trousers The Turd
Even when I was die hard I felt shunning was wrong. If you see a df person making an effort to get reinstated , I thought it was more than appropriate to say a quick glad to see you here. Or if you ran into a df person tell them we appreciate the effort you're making.
road to nowhere
If dad dies and mom calls don't answer. That is the gist.
They can cover and deny but it doesn't change the (forced) lack of natural affection
To be fair JW's think they have Biblical backing for their shunning.
(Luke 10:30-32) 30 In reply Jesus said: “A disfellowshipped man was going from home to the grocery store and fell among robbers, who both stripped him and inflicted blows, and went off, leaving him half-dead. 31 Now, by coincidence, a certain elder was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. 32 Likewise, a pioneer also, when he got down to the place and saw him, went by on the opposite side."
Oh wait! Jesus ate with sinners, and never said anything like that!
stan livedeath
i dont have a bible to refer to--but wasnt the shunning "arrangement" directed at sinners " who called themselves a brother"--and not to eat with such a person.
But if a "brother" has left the religion of his own accord--then why shun him ?
df has softened toward those who want to make a comeback. But firm toward those that do to want to return
Beth Sarim
If I understand....Jesus also associated with prostitutes too.
Jesus would be "worthy" of disfellowshipping in modern-day JWland.
Of course they cover up their shunning policy.
Just like they cover up the fact that, until only very recently, they required two witnesses for child sex abuse.
Theocratic Warfare (TM).
Slidin Fast
Those videos are the opposite end scenario depicted before of a mother rejecting her daughter's phone call. This time the mother is rejected. They both try to normalise outrageous demands imposed by the organisation.
The fact they have taken them down demonstrates that at some level, they know how unnatural, unloving and cultish these iron rules are.