What's a Good Question to Ask at the Door?

by NotFormer 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer

    The JWs haven't been to my door for a while, but I don't doubt that they'll turn up eventually*. (I saw Easter eggs in the supermarket yesterday, so "Memorial" season is fast approaching 🙄)

    What's a good question to ask, to get the ball rolling?

    * They did turn up a few times last year

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Are you here for the orgy?

    Seriously, unless you get some old geezer, you probably won’t find much substance anymore. They really flattened everything out to a few soundbites.

    The times of “deep study” is over, what we knew as the “good” JW doesn’t exist anymore. You are basically a sales drone with a script, go off script and they will try to placate with a standard answer, ignore it, or even consider it a threat and hurry away.

    I had one lady call my phone, within minutes she asked whether I was getting information from non-JW websites, she tried to pass it onto an elder, when I pressed her for her opinion, she said for more information to submit a request online and ended the call.

    The people standing at the literature stand also have a scripted answer to any questions, want to know more, fill out the form on JW.org.

  • BoogerMan

    R & F JW's are instructed by the Borg that the other sheep "class" are the anti-type of the foreigners from the Exodus who were not participants of the Mosaic Covenant.

    As such, the O.S. class of Christians are not participants of the New Covenant, and should not partake of the emblems at the Memorial! 🤣

    What Does the Bible Really Teach? My question to JW's:

    Were foreigners participants of the Mosaic Covenant?

    wt 98 2/1 p.19, par. 6 - "Further, other sheep lay hold of the new covenant just as foreigners of old laid hold of the Law covenant. In what way? Not by becoming participants in it but by submitting to the laws associated with it and benefiting from its arrangements."

    Deuteronomy 29:10-15 clearly shows that this is a false teaching:

    10 “All of you are stationed today before Jehovah your God, the heads of your tribes, your elders, your officers, every man of Israel, 11 your children, your wives, and your foreign resident who is in the midst of your camp, from the one gathering your wood to the one drawing your water. 12 You (everyone present!) are here in order to enter into the covenant of Jehovah your God and his oath, which Jehovah your God is making with you today 13 in order that he may establish you (everyone present!) today as his people and that he may be your God, just as he has promised you and just as he swore to your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 14 "Now it is not with you alone that I am making this covenant and this oath,

    15 but it is with those standing here with us today before Jehovah our God and with those who are not here with us today."

    Rahab and Ruth were foreigners and accepted as full members of the nation of Israel. If they hadn't been, the Messianic lineage would have been corrupted by non-Israelites. They and their descendants all received inheritances in the nation of Israel. The following scriptures conclusively demonstrate that the WTBTS contradicts and lies about those who become "one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:16)

    (Exodus 12:48, 49) "If a foreigner resides with you and he wants to celebrate the Passover to Jehovah, every male of his must be circumcised. Then he may come near to celebrate it, and he will become like a native of the land. But no uncircumcised man may eat of it. One law will apply for the native and for the foreigner who is residing among you.”

    (Ezekiel 47:21-23) “You are to apportion this land among yourselves, among the 12 tribes of Israel. You should distribute it for inheritance among yourselves and to the foreigners residing with you who have had children while living among you; and they will be like native-born Israelites to you. They will receive an inheritance among the tribes of Israel along with you. You should give the foreign resident an inheritance in the territory of the tribe where he has taken up residence,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah."

  • Ron.W.

    Ask them if they believe Jesus is their mediator.

    When they say 'yes of course.'

    Show them this:


    Mediator - only for the 144,000?
    Who is the mediator for Jehovah's Witnesses? Not Jesus! Though rarely mentioned, Jesus is not mediator to the Great Crowd of Jehovah's Witnesses or for the rest of mankind. The official doctrine is that Jesus is mediator for the 144,000 alone.
    The Bible states that Jesus is our mediator, and his ransom is for all.
    "… one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all." 1 Timothy 2:5,6
  • liam

    Ask them;

    PROVE that we are living in the last days?

    And they will run like jack rabbits.

    Royalty Free Jack Rabbit Pictures, Images and Stock Photos - iStock

  • nowwhat?

    Here's a good one

    Are you guys a Jewish religion since you call yourselves Jehovah's witnesses?

    No we are Christian and Jesus is our king

    Well Jesus said Christians were to be witnesses of him not Jehovah. And there Are dozens of scriptures say we are to bare witness to Jesus. Not one to Jehovah .

    Then Take it from there

  • moomanchu

    It seems like I may have become a return visit. In my last 2 encounters I realize it is best to pick one specific simple point. Don't deviate from it all, otherwise you get lost in the weeds.

    I got to use my analogy of car shopping on the last visit. I asked when you buy a new car do you research it only using the manufacturers information, or do you seek out multiple non related sources? You bought a religion, did you use outside resources to research it or only Watchtower publications?

    No reaction, they seem like they'll be back though. Funny thing is I know their whole family and it’s a big one. Their family has easy 100 people spread through 10 or so congregations. I remember this woman when she was born. Her family moved to a different congregation when she was about 5. She doesn't remember me, but her parents do. She was fascinated I knew things about her when she was young. I went to some epic huge parties with her other relatives . Whole thing is hilarious.

  • BelisemDeBelimakom

    Here are 3 questions to ask JWs:

    1. Did Jesus return invisibly and appoint his faithful slave?

    2. Are you a child of God?

    3. Can I read the Bible on my own and come to an accurate truth?

    Source: https://youtu.be/Bwz2xdhH3Ec?si=179_qBKGm5ai-CeP
  • DesirousOfChange
  • TonusOH

    Maybe the best question is "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!?!?!"

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