I think most of our imaginations of the new world was probably nothing like the Watchtower reality. After all, we jws are very good at avoiding uncomfortable truths! You can tell Micheal Jackson was a certain type of Jehovahs witness. I honestly, with all my heart didnt think God would kill anyone when I believed. This is really, in my child like mind, how I envisioned Armageddon.
Ok there may be the judgemental jw who relished punishment for some and I was utterly gobsmacked when I heard that some people would point out houses they wanted to inherit. I didnt even think modern, man made buildings would even be a thing after a while. I imagined everything being very "green" in an ecological sense with most people living in teepee -like dwellings! Certainly no materialistic western mansions!!! I didnt think of god being the old testement rule imposer who threatened yet another extermination in a thousand years..
I also always included the animals as having long happy lives and didnt want to contenence their deaths. (I didnt worry about plagues of mosquitoes that never died off!)
So when I watched this video I shed a little tear for the end my beautiful, child like dream