Gangs brawl in a Birmingham Cinema UK

by punkofnice 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    I don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.

    What they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.

    I saw the picture before it was pixelled out. Interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.

    Just sayin'.

    Interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.

    Good grief, can't the Jobos be right and Armageddon(tm) come?

  • WingCommander

    I'm sure the Mayor of London has the thugs.......I mean......innocent young Moslemzzz backs!!!!!

    This is what Europe has brought upon itself. In the colonies many of us still haven't forgotten the horrors of 9/11, but the dumbasses born after 9/11 are now of legal voting age of here, and political correctness has run amok!

  • punkofnice

    Wingy - I agree with you totally.

    Let Sweden be a warning to us all.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    What is noteworthy is that the film being screened, Blue story, has been pulled from cinemas.

    Sorry, but these violent, machete-wielding youths were already violent and machete-wielding.

    Whether Blue Story was shown or even made makes no difference.

    (I love horror films but I don't go around acting out scenes from my favourite horror films.)

    It's also wrong that these gangstas get the film pulled - what about the rest of us who want to see it?

  • Simon

    It's cultural enrichment, get on board and embrace your new neighbours ...

    The majority of rapes in Sweden are now from foreign born immigrants (despite being a minority of the population). Weak progressives virtue-signalling did that to their country, to those poor women and children. The country may never recover, they may not have the will to do what is required but I expect they will reject the politics that created it soon.

    All cultures are not the same. Our culture is vastly superior.

  • snare&racket

    All this assumption from the colour of their skin......

  • Simon
    All this assumption from the colour of their skin...

    No, from their character based on their behavior.

    i.e. What people do, not what people are (hence the comment about culture).

  • cofty

    I have no reason to think that they are Muslim youths or immigrants. They are little wannabe gangstas imitating their American anti heroes.

    The irony is that the message of the film was against gang culture. VUE reported 24 violent incidents in their cinemas around the UK before they took the decision to take the film off their listings.

    I despair for the next generation of the black community.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    just leave em to fight it out. nothing new about youth gang fights.

  • cofty

    Machetes in a cinema foyer in the middle of an afternoon. 44,000 knife crimes in one year (not including Manchester). 285 fatal stabbings in London. That's new.

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