We all need to earn a living...
So just curious, what is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?
by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest jw friends
We all need to earn a living...
So just curious, what is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?
I was an Office Junior for the first magazine I ever worked at. At the end of the day, the manager would make me walk to the post office (at least 15 minutes one way) clutching a 20KG (almost 45lbs) box of magazines to post. That carboard box would be digging into my arms like no tomorrow. Now I have a robust two year old who weighs more than that. Every time I have to pick him up/lug his dead weight around, I get flashbacks of being 17 again.
Haha! @ wake. At least your 2 year old hugs you back and shows you love.... better than some postal items.
I couldn't write them all down, you'd all be sick :( My husband and I cleaned for a living - as you do to support pioneering! This involved being sent by the local council to houses like you wouldn't believe. I've cleaned toilets from dante's nine circles of hell and literally cried 'how did my life stoop this low? I have a brain and here I am cleaning someone else's **** What happened to me?'
But I thought I was doing it for Jehovah.
Best job was as a young pioneer, working for a company that made shoe soles. As a pioneer I walked miles and miles every week, so they put their soles on my shoes and I tested them for them and got paid!
@stuckinarut2 Lmao, don't even get me started on the work I used to do for his father. The way I met my son's father was through work. He took me on as a content writer for his law firm way back in the day. What I didn't know at the time was that he was a raging drug addict. Therefore, working for him was like the movie, Inception. There was no sense of reality, nobody knew what was going on, and midway through, I realized he was unconscious the whole time.
as a teenage pioneer--i cleaned windows! but i earned good money for 2 days work.
I washed test tubes and flasks some with acid for hours in a small windowless room on my own.
Damn that's messy @wake!
Glad that is behind you now.
Yup @stan! The ideal pioneer job hey?
I think we have all done our time as windows cleaners....
@Ucantnome Sounds like some Breaking Bad stuff. Was this your office?