The WT made a good atheist out of me.
Boy, ain't that the truth! The Watchtower is one of the greatest generators of atheism ever invented. After giving it my best shot for 8 years, regular pioneering etc; I had enough and was very nearly an atheist myself at one time.
The watchtower has its interpretation of Revelation so convoluted, they envision God running around like a homicidal maniac killing everyone who doesn't go door to door placing WT literature.
In reality, Revelation predicts a coming one world government headed by the Anti Christ. It is the Anti-Christ who is responsible for the killing of 2/3 of the worlds population before the battle of Armageddon even begins, not God.
And, it is not much of a battle. With only one spoken word, King Jesus slays the army of 200 million who intend to conquer Israel one-last-time.
Armageddon is strictly a military action to save Israel.