I get the whole idea about repentance and works befitting repentance, and obviously keeping the Congregation clean; but what I don't get is why an individual continues to be shunned having sincerely expressed their heartfelt desire to return to God?
Only God can read hearts and the therefore only He knows with certainty when a person is truly repentant. You are mistaken about the parable of the prodigal son. It is about God's forgiveness and how He rejoices and takes you back and prepared the fattened cow, and you know and experience his affection and approval. That is what repentance is all about.That related illustration It is not about how "God's organization" handles your case. Your conduct affected other people and you have to be handled and besides there consequences of sin that you have to face. Sometimes a committee errs and shows a sinner that is not repentant mercy. But since elders do not read hearts, they do not know whether you have repented or not however, as the WT sees it they have a duty to try to help you and according to the WT and what you subscribed to at your baptism. They have the authority to determine whether you have repented or not in connection with and as it relates to God's organization. It is not for you to decide that. I am not persuaded by claims of sincerity or female tears or show of emotions, sincere or not. There are several forms of repentance, sadly and godly. A person may be remorseful or sincerely sadly repentant as Esau was when faced with consequences or he may be godly repentant as David was when he realized the enormity of his sin. It is none of your business to adjudicate your own judicial case or any WT case. You are free to disagree with a JC findings and you can appeal a JC decision. Buit you do not have the authority to declare yourself repentant or some one else.