Are there among you, dear friends, a specialist in American associations from around the 1950s -1970s and a little more? To find out from what years in the USA the first subsidies were granted to religious congregations and other non-profit or charitable associations? Why this question is that I just thought that there is perhaps a link between doctrinal clarifications over the years and government innovations to support or subsidize these supposedly charitable religious organizations or certain qualified NGOs? Thanks if you have some clues. I have just formulated a theory which links the end of the higher authorities existing since Rutherford and Knorr who denied what CT RUSSEL taught to place Jehovah and Christ as higher authorities then in 1961 having removed them to put back what RUSSEL taught - I am referring to the French-language TDG 01 05 1996.
. From this hypothesis I am convinced but I could be wrong that the state subsidies to the associations have made it possible to modify this false doctrine that they Rutherford and Knorr) taught for those which are much more certain coming from the higher authorities than those of the two deities named above to obtain a more substantial profit from them Marcial