"I am meeting with the Duke later on today for tea". "I am the smartest person that I know because I can out debate any idiot here, and I can prove it! " When I was at Bethel, a few members of the Governing Body tried to molest me". " Everybody loved me in the congregation and appreciated my humility".......Yeah, right.
People That Make Up Stories To Make Themselves Sound Good
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
This one time, at band camp...
I don't want to believe anyone here would post outright lies. I think people might embellish the truth to turn a story in their direction or make themselves sound better.
I can't believe that one would purposely lie either...
"I'm an irritating little red dot, that no longer dances and sometimes can be quite rude". Such as with this thread.
Get over the dancing red dot, Shelia, and PLEASE, don't be so rude! Now tell us another adventure.
um, yeah, some do-
Minimus: Well, I never tell anything that is not true so I'm sorry that I have led a more interesting life than you. Could it be that sparkling personality????
I was an elder and still am a witness doing the slow fade..I have a wife and a life..oh and a daughter......I ask alot of questions because..um..ummm...I just wanna know........
Bad grammer for effect
i luv u 2 gals 2