What happens to the wife after their GB Husband dies.
quick question: When a governing body member dies, what happens to their spouse?
by Deltawave 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Usually she is well taken care of at Warwick (formerly Brooklyn) Bethel, until she dies or remarries. These women were married to men who probably knew where the proverbial skeletons are buried. Some of their widows may know a few of the secrets, too. They don't want these women speaking out.
Not to mention, there's a double standard for GB, as opposed to the underling Bethelites. While underling Bethelites get kicked to the curb when their life circumstances change, GB and their wives really are considered better than everyone else.
Deltawave: What happens to the wife after their GB Husband dies.
they get interviewed
Interview With Faithful Sisters—Widows of Governing Body Members (27 minute video)
So Mrs Lett gets to keep that fancy apartment at Warwick?
How lucky for that couple in the photo - Lett chose to use his "almost normal humanlike squinting face" for the photo, instead of his "bug-eyed rabid raccoonlike psycho face".
Hey sir... .that face looks like he knows he is getting away with the farm and he is taking full advantage of it!!
oh... and its not luck.... that would be bad !
This is one dinner table i'd rather shoot myself in the face than sit around. The Morriss family.
You can just feel the "clique-i-ness" oozing right out of them. Tony's having a good laugh there because no other bethelites are allowed to use that table and eat lovely pizza with flowers on the table. They're getting rice and beans again. "And tomorrow we're flying out to Tahiti to give "talk" to the brothers. Might as well enjoy the scenery while im there too mwhahahahaha"
pale.emperor - the OP is about GB WIDOWS, both the pictures you've posted are of GB members who are still alive!!!
Are there currently any GB widows who are still alive??
compound complex
Marina Sydlik