@rocketman: look what happened to all the auto brands that have trade unions. Without the Obama intervention, they would’ve all gone out of business by now.
Musk doesn’t like unions, because he likes to actually get his car built at reasonable prices.
Electric cars are already insanely expensive because they take a lot of energy and resources (carbon emissions) to create, much more than any regular car. You can’t reduce those costs without cutting a ton of space, range and usability (compare a Tesla with VW eGolf, Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf, Toyota Prius and understand why nobody wants to buy the latter).
Top of the line electric cars will always cost more than my house and their prices are going up, not down, mandating the electric car, like Biden is trying to pass by 2030, would mean that nobody that isn’t rich can afford to drive a car, just in time for the government to swoop in and provide Amtrak public transport paid for with your taxes, and just as in California, a waste of money for whatever high speed rail system they have been building for 30 years.
Musk is also a conservative/libertarian, so Biden would never invite him just for that, but Musk isn’t shy of pointing out the hypocrisy and shady backroom deals they just made in the White House. How much do you want to bet a Biden family or staff member will be heading whatever development the big three auto makers are going to make in this arena?