Wow, he was front and center on for so long. It’s like Trotsky being erased from that famous photo with Lenin.
Is there a 'for dummies' on Robert Hendriks thread?
by carla 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Beth Sarim
Just another way of the Borg reinventing itself,," again.
Although not to the same level as TOMO3 or Ray Franz. Wt would certainly want to be cautious in how they play their cards with him. I think he could know enough to still do them some significant harm if he decided to go public. I would certainly be interested in buying a book if he decided to write one.
I may be mistaken, but I read somewhere that he has his own new york marketing firm. That he is not a full time bethelite. If so he would be in a great position to do do a tell-all
Given the turnover of men in this position it’s pretty clear it’s not a job with a great future.
When you spell his name correctly a little is still available of Hendriks. Here is an ABC 2020 interview:
Imdb :"
Mini Bio
- Robert Hendriks was the official spokesperson for the Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society in the United States up until February 2024. He is one of the few Watchtower officials who has ever voluntarily been interviewed on camera, outside of the Watchtower's own productions. He was devout in his faith and was baptized at 15 years old, which is old by Jehovah's Witness' standards. He was dismissed and discredited by the WT in February, 2024.- IMDb Mini Biography By: KD
If Rob ever did exJw YouTube channel he would make a killing with revenue.
We should all start a go fund page for him to do a tell us all everything you know.
but these high profile figures often get a golden handshake to sign a non disclosure
JW Gone Bad Tony Morris was definitely dismissed for being "not open to any agreement"...with the alcohol issue being a side problem as part of the evidence against him.
I think that defintely makes sense though, even though it almost certainly will never be proven one way or another....
DOC Ever since the photoshopped pics of GB with beards was posted (without a disclaimer that it was PS), I've become more skeptical of some things if read here first.
Hey DOC some of them legitimately do have beards now! I know from JW Broadcast Marc Saunderson has, for instance.
JW Gone Bad "...naw, I really am not a true Jehovah’s Witness believer, though I do enjoy being in front of the fact I believe WT is as guilty as hell in their mishandling of CSA cases!"
Now I can defintely see him admitting to Watchtower policy bearing responsibility for CSA within the organisation, either on or off mike, to journalists (especially attractive ones!). But saying he "does enjoy being in front of the camera" and is not a believing Jehovah's Witness, sounds more like Watchtower/JW embelleshment and (sad attempt at) character assasination!
Free theMasons is that the most recent video? In other words "rumours of his (JW) demise were greatly exaggerated"?!
Hi, Diogenesister🙂
That video was from the 2023 "Patience" con-vention in Portland Maine.
Robert gave the Sunday Public Bible Discourse: "Will God Act in Your Behalf?"
It would have been prior to all the online stuff about his "demise" although I wouldn't trust what was said on EXJW Reddit about him since the supposed "authority" on the situation has been caught lying and making stuff up multiple times.