Need help - the Revelation Climax book

by ozziepost 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iloowy.goowy

    If it was original, maybe there's a mock up photo of some Bethelite in drag sitting on top of a leopard dotted, stuffed plush seven headed beast toy somewhere in the anals, I mean annals, of the Watchtower art department's archives.

    For drawings the art department has Bethelites pose the scene so who knows what's behind as an original photo šŸ˜

  • slimboyfat
    and all he had at hand was one photo to work from, so all three deer had the same body posture and leg positioning.

    Do you know which publication the illustration ended up in?

    If it was original, maybe there's a mock up photo of some Bethelite in drag sitting on top of a leopard dotted, stuffed plush seven headed beast toy somewhere in the anals, I mean annals, of the Watchtower art department's archives.

    Yes, they showed Ulysses S. Glass as John of Patmos in one of the videos, and the mock up of Peter calling to Jesus on the Sea of Galilee too.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The ideas on the Bible are plagiarized among all the end times religions despite protestations contrary. So imagery would be similar.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Do you know which publicationā€¦

    sbf, it was a wall sized mural in a KH in Midwest US. The building was sold some years ago and is now a daycare

  • slimboyfat

    Aha, I see.

    And I think I added an initial S to brother Glassā€™ name because I confused him with Ulysses S Grant for a moment.

  • Reasonfirst

    Do a quick search for images of the beast etc, and you'll find more than the WT version

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    "I had a quick look at google images and it looks like there are many depictions of the harlot riding the beast. I doubt that the watchtower's depiction was original."

    They probably got caught plagiarizing and got called-out on the carpet for it.

  • Fisherman

    I will say that when a wt illustrator creates a drawing or painting, he or she has used a real JW person as a model. Do you think wt is going risk getting sued by copying somebody elseā€™s work? Does wt graphics department need to copy or canā€™t they create something themselves. Obviously they can and they do. Sometimes unintentionally it turns out similar or maybe someone can argue that it was intentional but wt has the resources to create original artwork.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The WT Borg corporation has been caught plagiarizing pictures from magazines in the 1980s then changing the pictures in the articles for the bound volumes.

  • Fisherman
    plagiarizing pictures from magazines in the 1980s

    For what?

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