I won't change name, but I might change avatar for something else for a change.
Would you change user name?
by JH 62 Replies latest jw friends
ya, i am sick of being a female called Moe. Sometimes I don't mind, but sometimes it gets so stale.
I already did too, I used to be bay64me, well still am really.
Missy Moe was cute
If I was going with something that fit my personality, it would be "Lucy_Van_Pelt"
But I would settle for just being able to put a pic up of an avatar!! Anybody know how long it will be before you can make changes to profiles??
I made this logo this morning. It will replace my JH I have since a while.
All the other Canadian posters have a flag, and I don't so I made my own.
YES. As stated before in another one of these "change your name" threads, I asked Simon if he could pleeeeease change mine to just Joules. Tooooo many people tell me, "How the hell do you pronounce that -- Jourles?????" If he cannot change it, then fine. Just pronounce it like joolz. That was my great explosive name idea back when I signed up on this board. Took Joules and threw in an R to make it unique. I never realized back then that people would be over the pronunication of it.
I'm still waiting, though. - sentinel
This is one of the more irritating things about having a common verb/adverb/whatever for a name. So many posters pretend to be me.
I'm still waiting.new
I like my name..but I think I wouldn't mind shortening it to just Spice (like I have done on other forums)
I also might like being Vesta (my personal goddess of the fire within me)
Yes I would change it in a minute even if it meant going back to zero. I really dislike it now but I'm not going to ask for a new one.