Has anyone done a detail research on this subject? The gospels seem to contradict one another and Christians apologists have a bunch of different ways to try to explain away the problems. Has anyone have a concrete explanation for or against him truly being dead three days and three nights as the story goes?
Jesus Christ dead for three days and three nights really?
by Crazyguy 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
I've got a chart here somewhere.
Jesus of Nazareth died 3 pm on a Wednesday.
He rose at 6 pm on a Saturday.
Wed night
Thurs day
Thurs night
Fri day
Fri night
Satur day
3 days and 3 nights ...
Hey its ancient mythology, anything can happen.
In the bible a man was swallowed by a large fish for 3 days and the fish opened its mouth and he walked out, looked up to the sky and said ...... " Hey God what the Hell ? "
In the old testament there are certain compartments to sheol. For good people isn't a nice place, for bad people it is a crappy place.
When Jesus went to sheol he cleaned it out for three days and sent everyone to there final resting place.
According to mainstream Christianity.
I just love seeing dubs explain who Jesus didn't exist for three days. It's funnier than the overlapping generation.
Simple explanation .... Jesus arose to heaven spiritually upon his physical death and returned to earth spiritually on the 3 day, then arose back to heaven and said ...... " I'll be back "
The bible also says that he will return in a physical form, so that should be really neat.
Well, when I died, three days past and nothing happened. Explain that.
The bible also says that he will return in a physical form, so that should be really neat.
Well he better choose carefully where he goes when he bodily returns.
If he goes to the nearest kingdom hall, the local Witnesses will keep their distance: A man with a beard and a tunic dress will push the envelop of appropriate dress too far. It could stumble weaker brothers and sisters and cause people in the world to think ill of the local Witnesses.
The Gospels do contradict themselves on this, and several things to do with his death, even what day of the week it was.
It is fascinating to see Bible believers who feel the Bible is error free go through some mental hoops and complex mental gymnastics to try to reconcile the conflicting statements. What a silly exercise !
We have no original Manuscripts, if we did they were written from hearsay decades after the events, so trying to explain Bible Contradictions is a waste of time and effort.
If you believe god inspired the words He is as muddled, and probably more careless, than you are !
CrazyGuy Has anyone done a detail research on this subject?
The devil is in the details...
Some groups want to strain a gnat and ignore the big picture.
We can have New (overcoming) Life NOW (eternal life quality) because Jesus still lives as our second Adam, his shared inheritance. 1 john 5:9-13, ephesians 1,2,3
Reconciling the gospel narratives of the resurrection is impossible.
Mark was the earliest gospel and he doesn't even mention it. The women said nothing to anybody about the empty tomb because they were afraid. - The end.
Did Jesus appear to the disciples in Judea or did they go back to Galilee first? Depends on which gospel you read.