joey jojo: why do some of you guys care so much?
I don't know about the others, but I find that thread extremely entertaining. It's about an obnoxious, self-important jerk who blew his reputation to smithereens, and now is trying to salvage the mess he created, even though he has no clue how to do so. It's a real-life sitcom, right down to the bumbling male lead.
Just to be clear- I have nothing against Evans. I watched some of his videos and read his site a few times, and have had no interactions with him, here or anywhere else. He hasn't done anything to me, personally. If he got his shit together tomorrow and rode off into the sunset, I'd shrug my shoulders and go on with life, a bit sad for the loss but otherwise ready for whatever else comes along.
I don't pretend to be concerned about the moral angles either, though it is entertaining to watch his struggles because he tries so hard to pretend he's a moral person while also admitting that he's a slave to his uncontrollable libido. Most people recognize that we're not nearly as spotless as we like to think, but we also don't promote ourselves the way people like Evans (or Trump, since someone mentioned him) do: creating a brand that they use for power, influence and money. And if you're going to do that, then it's a very bad idea to show your ass to the world the way he did.
Well... it's a bad idea for him. I get free entertainment out of it.