A huge number of inactive ones are this way. Some feel they can't live up to the lifestyle so they become inactive but yeah they struggle with it . Very few do enough research to find out it's a bull crap.
Deflated after realising my inactive friends are POMI
by Isambard Crater 18 Replies latest jw friends
Ugh, my husband is one of those POMI. So extremely, frustratingly, difficult!
Fence sitting- it's crazy making. Literally.
I must confess, I was a POMI for a while. I think I even lost a good friend I discovered had left the BORG because I said to him I had hoped to "return". I truly regret that. However, I found that being POMI is not a permanent or terminal condition. After I read Franz' COC and asked the Service Desk in Brooklyn about the contradiction between what happened in Malawi (with Witnesses refusing to buy a party card) and in Mexico (where males have to "register" for military service at least officially) that I started to retreat. After the headquarter's reply (a non-reply) I received, it put the nail in the coffin for me. I became a POMO! Considering my previous state, it was a relatively quick transformation, although not over night.
Over the years, my re-evaluation of everything has been truly profound. I didn't just question the JWs. I questioned the very foundation of belief and why must there be a Supreme Being when everything around me that I consider reality seemed to contradict any religious ideas I had learned.
So, there's hope for POMIs that they may encounter a revelation like I did. Being physically out provides the advantage of exposing people to alternate ideas. The reverse is true in more than one way: Someone who is physically in but mentally out may decide to return or finally get the hell out. Whatever happens, it didn't happen fast enough for me and so I see where the frustration comes into it.
I feel sorry for these bad experiences you had.
not PIMO (physically in, mentally out, like me) but POMI (physically out, mentally in)
PIMO, POMI or even POFO. Gosh...still learning new things every day.
I know it is very frustrating to know people who have been out of the religion for 30-40 years and still think it's the "truth" and have no idea of the many changes that have taken place. They wouldn't even recognize it.
There are three people that were raised pretty much in the religion who abandoned it when they were a young adult. They got married, raised a family and even had careers and decent jobs. Meanwhile, I was active in the religion as a young working adult who was criticized for working a full time job. When I tried to explain what I went through I could see these people could not relate since they never lived through this. They were also somewhat offended that I criticized the religion which they have a sentimental view towards on behalf of their deceased parent.
If any of these people ever set foot in a Kingdom Hall and became active again, they would soon see that what I said is true. They would be criticized for working and be hit up for money
Fence sitters are ones who thinking if what the WTS says in regards to the Great Tribulation and the following Armageddon comes true, they will quickly become vigorous in the JWS activity and will therefore be saved..
There just another element of fear to keep one foot in the door so to speak.
Being that the WTS/JWS is a commercialized exploitative fraud designed and orchestrated by a corrupt publishing house, these occurrences will never occur.
To me, POMIs are weak. If they think they JWs have the truth, then they should be all in and very active. If they truly think that the end of the world is coming and that billions of lives are at stake, then they are lazy and weak and morally reprehensible for not spending every minute they can warning of the alleged impending doom.
Some years ago, in preaching to some of my old school friends, I came to realize that they believed that JWs had the truth. However, these individuals just couldn't make the sacrifices and put the forth the effort necessary to be a JW. My non-JW father is like that, too. I'm almost certain he believes that JWs have the truth, but he's too selfish to be one.
At least when I believed JWs had the truth, I walked the walk. I left JWdom because I saw deception, I saw failed predictions, I learned the history of the org, etc. I realized that "the truth" wasn't the truth. If I believed JWs were right, I'd be out preaching right now.
POMIs are weak. They believe something but won't act on it.
Where's the edit button? "put the forth the effort necessary to be a JW" should be "put forth the effort necessary to be a JW".
l think that there is a difference between " nominal " JWs and nominal Catholics or Anglicans etc . The JWs will have been dragged to meetings , taken out on field service and immersed in in the teaching that is peculiar to the Watchtower . Nominal Catholics and Anglicans very likely come from a long line of nominal C&As . They probably don't know the first about the Bible , mime the hymns at weddings and think that an epistle is the wife of an apostle . They only go to weddings and funerals because of the p....s up after .
Also you will never hear a nominal C or A say "it is still the best way " That is very much part of a JW mindset .