Blood Components Hypocrsy

by pandorasbox1914 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Regarding "plasma"

    As a rendering from whole blood this product is wholly unknown in the natural world. What I mean is that in the natural world there is no instance where this product would be found. Rendering "plasma" from blood is a wholly man made affair. It takes a carefully choreographed chemical and mechanical manipulation of whole blood to get this product. There is nothing in nature that does this.

    When it comes to Watchtower's policy on "plasma" there is another thing that really shows how utterly ridiculous it is. There are two products you can render from "plasma" and those two products are known as cryosupernatant and cryoprecipitate. The supernatant is about 99% of the original "plasma" and the precipitate is the remaining 1% of the original "plasma". Watchtower leaves it to JWs to accept as much of either or both of these two products as they want, and JWs lap this stuff up too!. (See: Over 96% Accept 99%!

    That means a JW can literally accept 100% of "plasma" so long as it is rendered into cryosupernatant and cryoprecipitate prior to transfusion.

    There is nothing rational about Watchtower's blood doctrine. Nothing.

  • slimboyfat

    Marvin are there any donation services that accept blood donations under those conditions? Has it ever actually been done? If not then I don't take the Watchtower's comment on this seriously. It's theoretically allowing for donation while in practice insisting on conditions which rule it out. The hypocrisy still stands. When JWs accept blood fractions then the blood products they are accepting have not been donated by their fellow believers.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin are there any donation services that accept blood donations under those conditions? Has it ever actually been done? If not then I don't take the Watchtower's comment on this seriously. It's theoretically allowing for donation while in practice insisting on conditions which rule it out. The hypocrisy still stands.

    I believe there are plasma donation centers that specialize in plasma protein therapies where virtually all of the donated plasma is separated into components JWs can accept transfusion of, which means JWs could theoretically donate to these centers given assurance that their donation would be used for this purpose. I say theoretically because Watchtower has never advertised this piece of its blood doctrine to the rank-and-file membership. When I ask Watchtower trained HLC members about this they look at me like I have a third eye. So Watchtower has, to my knowledge, obviously not trained even its HLC membership on this.

    When JWs accept blood fractions then the blood products they are accepting have not been donated by their fellow believers.

    No doubt about that!

    You won't get any dispute from me about Watchtower's hypocrisy, and in particular when it comes to its blood doctrine. Watchtower's leadership are all pigs for leaving this policy in place. None of these leaders believe the doctrine and are absolutely unwilling to defend its critical details in full public view.

  • Phizzy

    " None of these leaders believe the doctrine and are absolutely unwilling to defend its critical details in full public view."

    These murderous charlatans have killed more people in the decades of their blood doctrine's existence than have terrorists.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Blood was the first brick that fell for me. I tried to defend it (I will spare my attempt at apologetics, but it was along the Firpo Carr route, and kind of what i hear from people when I have the discussion with them now namely.....that its bad medicine).

    My favorite arguments against the insanity that is the blood doctrine are as follows.

    1) White blood cells are forbidden, but Albumin is "christian to decide". Albumin however is more present in blood than WBC's by double. As far as i can tell there is no real medical designation for "main components" in a real sense. There are 3 sections that separate when put through a centrifuge, but that is fractional, just in the way that if they take it further, they are further fractioning blood. the WT explanation for this is like a pie. Apples, sugar coat, crust......main components. But could flour, water (from the apple), called a pie? So the criteria for what makes something too much like blood to be blood is important.......but as far as I can see there is no criteria.

    2) The bible says to abstain from blood. it does. But what does this mean (if you follow the bible as an authoritative source). Well......Jesus broke the sabbath, and set a model for putting people above laws. Did he do this just to enforce more laws in the end, especially something so gnat straining as the blood doctrine? Paul can explain it. In the same scripture that says to abstain from blood, they are also told to not eat meat sacrificed to idols. But later in 1 Cor 10:25 Paul says this when the meat in the meat markets source can't really be verified.

    So you may eat any meat that is sold in the marketplace without raising questions of conscience.”

    So this could not have been universal abstention. It was a reasonable conclusion to a complicated issue at the time, because the Jews were used to the letter of the law, and their mentality had to become a little more at ease in order to follow Jesus. Jesus made people and life a concern OVER the law. End of story. Numerous examples abound. Even in the mosaic law there was an arrangement AFTER the Noachian creed was spoken, for Isrealites to eat the flesh of an animal not properly bled (but they would remain unclean for 1 day). Maybe if you take blood, WT would disfellowship you for one day? Ha! My point is of course that it isn't biblical even in a vague sense, except when you haven't taken any time to research alternative views, and take the scripture out of the context of the book it is written in.

    3) The argument FOR JW's stance from their perspective seems to not linger on doctrine. They really won't engage the lack of logic, and they will not discuss it from the scriptures standpoint. Its like they just point to Acts and say....see? No their apologetics revolve around whether blood is good medicine or not. If there is something better for us, and we do better without receiving it (due to modern medicine advancements), then they must have been right all of this time! In fact, you should be grateful because witnesses have driven this change and helped the world discover the dangers of blood. Can you imagine the arrogance of that view. Coupled with that, a CO who is (was) a family friend told me very directly that in 2008 they stopped disfellowshipping for it, and just try to readjust the person. If this is the case, why would they not communicate it to the flock? Why was it only some high level speak to the CO's thing? Probably pressure from the outside world to abandon this archaic was of thinking? In closing his point was that since taking on the doctrine, there is evidence of growth and "Jehovah has not transferred the responsibility of the preaching work to some other more favored organization". Needless to say we didn't go beyond that point.

    In short, transfusing isn't eating, and eating isn't transfusing. Because the context of scripture is of course eating only with regard to the abstention protocols, one could easily argue that a transfusion far from being a misuse of blood, is using it exactly what for what it is INTENDED to do. That along should make it a conscience matter across the board.

    They have elevated the symbol of life above life itself.

    It took me a while, but these things are what finally freed my mind. i discovered it while serving in a remote congregation in a far away country. That was a weird year.

  • Rattigan350

    Plasma is not a component of blood. It is a component of the circulatory system. It is the liquid that suspends the red cells, the white cells and the platelets. In olden times all that they knew was blood so they called everything blood. But since it is 93% water, then extracting plasma is no different than what the kidneys do in extracting water and other substances from the circulatory system.

  • Rattigan350

    "I believe there are plasma donation centers that specialize in plasma protein therapies where virtually all of the donated plasma is separated into components JWs can accept transfusion of, which means JWs could theoretically donate to these centers given assurance that their donation would be used for this purpose."

    At plasma donation centers, they separate the plasma out and that is 93% water and 7% the proteins and other stuff. Then the proteins and stuff they want to harvest is kept and the water is thrown out. Nothing wrong with that. Infact that is the same thing that the kidneys do. It pulls water and other stuff out of the circulatory system. Why do they not have a fit about urine collection?

  • eyeuse2badub

    It’s clearly hypocrisy 101 with the wt when it comes to giving or donating blood. Every time a jw has blood drawn at a lab or doctor’s office, they violate “god’s law” on “the “misuse” of blood. Blood drawn at a lab or doctor’s office is purely an attempt by the medical profession to help diagnosis a medical condition for either prevention or detection of a medical condition.

    What happens to that blood after it is has served its purpose? Is it poured out on the ground? Is it offered as a blood sacrifice to jehober? What say ye watchtower?

    just saying!

  • OrphanCrow

    Rattigan, where are you getting your information from?

  • Crazyguy

    They allow the blood product used to help hemophiliacs, they say no to red blood cells but allow packed red cells called hemoglobin which is nothing more then red blood cells with the skin taken off.

    Imagine being told that you can’t eat tomatoes but if you peel the thin outer skin off you can then have all the tomatoes you want. They even allow hemoglobin from cows yep that’s right from cows a product called Hemopure.

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