La Norvegia non è caduta nella trappola della torre di guardia di agosto.
Norway didn't fall for it
by Jalisco 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If I knew how to bring up that guy from The Simpsons who points a finger, and says , “haha”, I would post that. This is good news!
road to nowhere
God! (Norvegian)
Slidin Fast
Wow! Really wow! This analysis of the issue is absolutely sound. In it's clear point by point dissection of all that has been said, all the puff and false references to god's mercy and tear stained heart wringing, it gets right to the point.
There have been countless critiques of all this on so many ranting YouTube channels all quite rightly breathless with outrage. This response beats them all. I think it's unanswerable.
..It almost seems like a certain Rolf wrote it...
Indeed the Court was NOT fooled ! They saw through the obvious obfuscation of the truth of how utterly horrible and inhumane is the J.W Disfellowship practice.
For too long the J.W org has got away with speaking out of "both sides of its mouth", presenting a seemingly mild face for Public consumption, and then imposing evil rules and practices on J.W's themselves.
As a young person, especially a teenager, who was brought up in the J.W's, usually has no friends outside of the org. that she or he is close to, the normal loving contact with family is removed, AND all support from the kid's Social network !
Such harsh isolating of an individual, who finds themselves alone in the world, rejected by all family and friends, has resulted in some young people, and some older ones, taking their own lives. The Disfellowship practice also is against internationally upheld Human Rights, however the Org. tries to dress it up. All they have done is sprayed a Dog Turd with glitter, in an effort to fool the Courts, so that they can still get $$$ from Governments.
The Court has made to right decision.
Oh my, that’s just too perfectly rich.
WTS went to all that trouble, revising and re-revising the August WT, even delaying its release, with hundreds of hours of attorneys’ time furiously writing and rewriting to get it….just….so, to “thread the needle” so they can get their precious, precious money back and still keep on DFing, er, “removing” kids, and what happens?
It was all for nothing.
To try to rescue 1.5 million dollars, they muddled their policy, confused their adherents, and humiliated themselves. And FAILED.
Whatever happened to “whatever weapon formed against you will not succeed”?
Why, it’s almost enough to make me believe in a “Jehovah” who is mightily pi$$ed at them and is using “worldly” governments to teach them a lesson.
Of course the Norway court made the right decision.
The most important thing to me is that this publicity hopefully exposes the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ toxic culture to more people in the world!.. Far too many people have no idea of what goes on in the Witness religion. When I have described my experience in the religion and the shunning I got for working a full-time job, people can hardly believe it.. It’s just that abnormal.
The JW religion’s hypocrisy and deception is like nothing anybody has ever seen and the world deserves to know about it! .. You remember how they once said:”Advertise advertise advertise”? Well, that’s what needs to happen with regard to the toxic culture in the Witness religion! ..The world needs to know about this!
Slidin Fast
The GB face an unenviable situation. The power of being "disfellowshipped" has been immense. The very word put shivers down the spine. The taboo of avoiding disfellowshipped "ones" (not even described as people) was deep and an immense one.
Suddenly, these untouchable, unspeakably infectious people can be greeted, you can phone them to invite them to a meeting. The taboo ballon is popped, they are just people again. Even the dreaded word disfellowship has gone, in the mind of Joe publisher so has the status of untouchable.
So the cat is out of the bag, the mystique has gone, the GB has swung and missed. They have watered down their principles and got no reward. What a massive failure of judgement, what a huge loss of face and power. The chariot seems to have developed a puncture.
And let’s just suppose that the “written instructions” are, theoretically, softer now.
The decision to DF, er, remove, is still entirely left up to the whims, prejudices, and perceptions of the 3 guys on the committee anyway.
In every elders school I ever attended, there was always extensive instruction on “judicial matters”. Sometimes the message was “you guys aren’t DFing enough people”, other times it was “you are DFing too many people”, but ALWAYS the message was “you guys aren’t doing it right”.
I.e. elders are left up to their whims and fancy on who to DF or not. Who cares if the August 2024 WT says that “removing” a minor would be a very rare occurrence?
The guys with their boots on the ground, the local elders, are the ones that make the call. If they don’t like the kid, or don’t trust him, or don’t like/trust the parents, then they’ll “remove” him, just as it has always been.
The WTS has been thoroughly and systematically weeding out the elders who are concerned and caring, the ones left are either too overwhelmed to care, or are drunk on their own perceived power.
As I mentioned: they’ve only succeeded in guaranteeing a worse hodgepodge of “removal” decisions than before, for absolutely no gain.