So at the meeting this week it was announced that a certain brother was no longer serving as a ministerial servant.
This is a guy who was brought up in a different country as his family went to serve where the need was greater. This is a guy who was home schooled and went straight into pioneering. He then went and worked on building projects in various places in Europe and Africa. He got married and went on international build work. Until his kids came along and put a stop to the international work he was on the track for being a real golden example of JW youth forging a WT career.
Even though the guy is still relatively young (late 20s) I have been a bit surprised he's never been one of those uber young elders but I've also noticed that he seems to have a certain edge to him, a slight desire not to toe the line.
So, it was announced he was no longer serving as an MS. I was surprised but also able to afford a wry smile. The word is he wants a break from things but I think there is more to it. His wife was crying after the announcement, no doubt shamed at the step down and lamenting that she no longer can live her WT goals vicariously anymore.
I wonder if there is more to the situation. Perhaps his lack of tolerance for some of the idiocy of WT drone culture got the better of him. Perhaps he laid into one of the elders for their hypocrisy and was pushed. I wonder if he has woken up and is in the same place I was about three years ago.
I spoke to him a while ago and was open with him that I got fed up at feeling I had to justify myself all the time, fed up doing things just to be seen doing them. I told him I got fed up playing the game and was just happy to let the elders play it with other people.
I hope I get a chance to speak to him again soon. I hope he's got fed up playing the game. Even if he hasn't there are plenty of young men in congregations all over the place stepping back, stepping down, closing in.
Anything but reaching out.