Is that a brother praying what do you think?

by slimboyfat 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    It's possible that the JWs did know it was a hoax given that the pranksters told other's that it was after the fact.

    The owners might be prepared to do another video centred on the praying and their reactions afterwards.

  • slimboyfat
    They were in on the prank in the end? But what sort of JW would "perform" a prayer as part of a joke? It's an interesting suggestion but I'm not convinced.
  • Listener

    Towards the end the pranksters show themselves telling some of the groups of people it was just a prank. Usually when these sorts of 'candid camera' pranks are done for television they will get the permission from those on the film allowing them to air it.

    The JWs would not have known at the stage of giving a prayer.

  • slimboyfat

    Aha I see what you mean. They gave permission in the end. I guess that's likely. Although, just because the pranksters ask permission sometimes doesn't necessarily mean they always do. Some of these pranks seem slightly dubious ethically anyway (if we want to be stuffy about it) retrospective permission or no. So I don't know if their application of ethical standard is rigorous or consistent.

    But really I was mainly wondering why on earth the brothers were praying in the middle of the street about a woman pulling pants down in the first place???

  • Listener

    It is strange as to why they would give a prayer, especially for a stranger (or should I say neighbour?). It was funny how he mumbled something like 'may she see the truth of the matter'.

    If it was me I would have asked the guy if he wanted to report it to the police and if I had a phone on me I would have tried to get a photo of the lady.

    I wonder if these JWs were out in service (on a coffee break)? It was funny to see a marked change in personality, particularly from Elders when they were doing field service. It was like they were now on duty and there one focus was God during this time.

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