Joseph and the 1000 Year Rule.

by waton 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waton

    This is Big, JW org is a comedy channel, or someone high up in the helpers sends a message via wt dramas:

    The resurrected "Joseph" is an impostor. His high position was not in Giza, Egypt but in Berlin Germany. But he also preached the 1000 Year Reich. They even had 1444 columns.

    Here is a picture of the famous German Joseph:

    Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote

    thank you raymond frantz,

    When i saw the clip, I expected him to stand up and snap up his arm to eye heights anytime in Dr Strangelove fashion. or

    Stranger still, Frederick Franz is indeed in heaven, and spirit directed wt producers to have his alter ego doppelgaenger to play Joseph.

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  • waton

    here is another, older deteriorated image of the character that played "joseph"

    Who is the Pharaoh of Prophet Moses? - EgyptToday

    King tut himself. better reconstruction on wicki. what was wt casting thinking, picking these likenesses?

  • waton

    they also have in common that their likeness appeared in a wt drama.

    I guess I should have posted this under Humour and not publications/doctrines ha ha.

  • BettyHumpter

    "King Tut himself"

    The image you posted is the mummy of Ramses II, not Tut.

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  • waton
    The image you posted is the mummy of Ramses II, not Tut. B.H

    Thank you Betty, for establishing the facts ! with all that appearance being in the family, the resemblance to the resurrected wt "Joseph" appeared striking to me.

    Here is a reconstruction of the KT face to compare with the wt footage.

    Facial reconstruction of king Tutankhamun | Ancient egyptian women, Ancient  egypt mummies, Egypt museumcredits daily mail, pinterest reuters.

  • Diogenesister

    My goodness that convention video - What kind of insanity is that!

    Joseph speaks English and has a broad American accent and they are sat outside a huge villa with electricity, modern table settings etc

    At least the old style mag representations of paradise had the good grace to merely portray unfeasibly large fruit and furry animals - both of which would not be beyond the realms of possibility in a pre industrial civilization (besides the odd beach ball - probably a lucky find by the lion)

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  • BettyHumpter

    Joseph invited to dinner with 8-10 people. Telling the same story. Assuming a saturday night function is at minimum 2 hours if you're just making a presence and possibly till the wee hours if you have a good time......he has thousands of years of the same weekend plans before he concludes speaking to everyone. And thats assuming Noah or Moses don't butt in and overtalk.

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  • waton
    The OP is about the resemblance of the 2 Josephs, and the egyptian Pharaohs. . wt staging bringing it all together. look at the Joseph character in the wt drama. could be the resurrected goebbels and ramses too.
  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    The WT Joseph reminds of the Egyptian Prince in the film Night at the Museum

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  • punkofnice
    Diosis - Joseph speaks English and has a broad American accent

    The GB(TM) (Pee be upon them), think that America is the only country that really exists. I always got that impression. Especially how they made no effort to make the Publications(tm) actually make sense for a UK audience. I even got spelling tests wrong at school because I was using American spellings. And some of the bloody expressions they used! 'Hunker down' for instance. What the hell did that mean to a Brit?

    Some people are so home grown they think that their country is the only reality. Shows how insular and stupid they are.

    Watty - JW org is a comedy channel

    Yet as unfunny as a BBC comedy.

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