It is hard for you because you just woke up to find out a big real estate company masquerading as a charitable Chistian religion has been playing with not only your life but millions of other peoples lives as well. Not nice. Scary infact. The valuable information you have in your head right now, will stop you from making bad decisions in literally giving your life away to this flip flopping, suck the life out of you, real estate empire. It was hard for all of us. We all had to fight the tide against WT brainwashing techniques. We understand where you are coming from.
That are a lot on the board that would be so thrilled to get a "do over" from age 13 on, me included. WT/ has ruined millions of lives.
What interests you at this time or what subjects have you got lined up to study in high school? Are you interested in academics? Sports? Music? When you are at the KHall on your tablet, can you post some of those topics to follow instead of BS? The idea is to pick something that will shut out all the conflicting "noise" you hear at the hall.
I wish none of us had to go to the kingdom hall ever so we could have lived normal, functional, lives.
Go to school. Do home work. Play. RELAX. Not get dressed up and go sit at the Hall and be told what to do and what not to do and told no questions allowed.
Personally, I haven't been to the hall since I read CofC by Ray Franz. To go now... and see the big TV screens and everyone using a tablet and nodding their heads along without questioning anything... I just couldn't do that.
Please know, that we all care for you and are here for you. It is hard what you are doing... But the benefits for you being so young, you will be able to make better, more sound decisions that will affect the rest of your life, are well worth it.
Hugs to a smart young man.