shepherds of the flock...not

by searchfothetruth 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • searchfothetruth

    Just reading 'In Search of Christian Freedom' and come across this quote which seems to hit the nail on the head regarding the genuine love among the Elders.:

    " Whilst serving as an Elder in the Warrenton, Virginia Congregation, I went with the Presiding Overseer to investigate an alleged indiscretion reported by telephone from the Elders of a neighboring congregation about an elderly, inactive, widowed sister, living in yet another congregations territory, taking care of a comatose old lady for her livelihood.

    When we arrived, he questioned the sister about her supposed indiscretion ( the charge was based purely on conjecture ). Her reply was, "It has been over seven years since my husbands death. I have become inactive and haven't attended meetings for years, and not an elder has ever visited me. Yet, recently you have heard a rumor that I have done something wrong and you run down here ready to dis-fellowship me. I don't understand you brothers."

    I think this experience can be echoed by a lot of us, the total lack of genuine love when you leave, but then the instant attention when they think you are doing something wrong.

    Have any of you had similar experiences?

  • rocketman

    I think it varies depending on circumstances and which congregation one might be in. I feel bad for that elderly woman, and I am not surprised at all.

    We had one case of dfing about 3 yrs ago (I was an elder at the time) where the sister remarked that the elders were nowhere to be seen (she did point out that I was excluded from her statement) until it was time to track her down for a hearing and then finally her dfing (she did not attend the hearing).

    I think she had a legit concern, though we did make attempts to contact her when she was noted to be missing some meetings. But very often, the elders show 'concern' only when thye note that someone is not around.

    I think overall that situation differs a bit from the one you are describing with the elderly woman.

  • searchfothetruth


    I agree that it depends on the congregation, as there are some that are better than others, but from personal experience, I thought that the cong. that I was attached to for most of my life were one of the better ones and it took 4 years for any elder to contact me, and that was because I had been speaking to my parents and given them some info which they then passed on to the Elders.

    The elders that came to see me weren't even at the hall when I was there, so the elders that I knew and had a relationship with still have never bothered to contact me.

    All it does is reinforce peoples doubts when they leave. I think if the elders did what they are supposed to do they could possibly prevent a lot of people leaving...lets hope they never figure this out!

  • Prisca

    When I was inactive, and trying to fade away from the Org, the local elders would call or phone me, to have a shepherding call. This only happened perhaps on 2 or 3 occasions, and they were pretty casual about it.

    However, there was one occasion when an elder was most insistant that they saw me ASAP, and I could tell from his tone of voice that he had an agenda for calling. I didn't buy into it, and I would only see them when it was convenient to me. When they did eventually meet with me, they did ask in round-about ways whether "there was something I wanted to talk about". But since I didn't, because there wasn't, I didn't offer them whatever they were looking for.

    To this day, I don't know what it was they suspected me of, but it was weird how they were so casual before, but once they suspected me of something, they had to see me so urgently!

  • ozziepost
    they were so casual before, but once they suspected me of something, they had to see me so urgently

    The elders live busy lives, it's true, and the Borg makes many demands on their time, but it IS worth repeating that the elders will ALWAYS make time for a "judicial matter".

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Hamas

    When I was falling away believe it or not I had to write to an elder and ask him to come and see me, nobody even bothered to inquire where I was.

    Even after I wrote my letter of DA , they still didn't contact me. I guess It was all too much trouble for the great 'Shephards of the Flock'

    What a load of bollox

  • gumby

    When a person holds a position of oversight wheather it be a dub or a leader in's hard for them to distinquish the meaning of being a SLAVE and being a SHEPARD.

    On one hand they are to be gentle,compassionate, helpful.......and on the other they are to correct all who are out of line. They are to instruct, and be leaders.

    How can a person be both and not be like a pharisee?

    Anyone who is subjected to anothers leadership is allowing the leader to be like a pharisee in the sense of telling them how to worship.The only difference is the pharisees held their opinions stronger.... like leaders in the borg. Christendom can also act the same way when push comes to shove.


  • mattnoel

    Seems they are desperate to get people in but for some reason even more desperate to df people too !!!

  • Maverick

    I wrote a four page letter to the CO outlining the things that had happened to me over the previous several years explaining why I faded away. I was an MS and nobody came looking. He sent me this sweet little letter saying he would check on me when he came back around,( in six months)! He never did either, the prick. He's sorry now. I make lots of trouble around here. I'm a nice guy, but I'm well known and have been a major pain-in-the-ass for the local duds! And I'm not done yet either! Maverick

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    They popped round pretty sharpish when I let it be known that the UN and paedophile stuff was the reason I would'nt attend anymore.I had all the proof for them, layed out on the table- the elder spent 10 mins or so in my sitting room while the 2 women I studied with kept me in the kitchen (I only realised what was going on later with that one ! ) he refused to look at any of it even though I pointedly asked him to many times...then told me what he thought I should do was to pray with a very specific time limit in mind eg one day .and by then ( if I was honest hearted ???!!! ) my answer would come and i'd have no more doubts!!!!!!!!!!!! I told him i'd come back when they'd got rid of their paedophiles and the elder who caused me so much trouble apologises...; he said he'd keep me informed and keep all my UN stuff for 'reference'(?) and I never heard from him again. Hope he found it useful.Apparently his worldly brother had already sent it to him from abroad; was that one of you ?!

    I got an invitation to the memorial this year - but it was posted through the door along with a Watchtower, it was the only contact in all that time apart from chance meetings on the street - i'm still waiting for my apology from the elder who caused me so much trouble- I may have to write to him again with some more well chosen scriptures for spiritual ingestion and contemplation just to bump it back to the top of the congregational most -annoying- past- member- list

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