Just reading 'In Search of Christian Freedom' and come across this quote which seems to hit the nail on the head regarding the genuine love among the Elders.:
" Whilst serving as an Elder in the Warrenton, Virginia Congregation, I went with the Presiding Overseer to investigate an alleged indiscretion reported by telephone from the Elders of a neighboring congregation about an elderly, inactive, widowed sister, living in yet another congregations territory, taking care of a comatose old lady for her livelihood.
When we arrived, he questioned the sister about her supposed indiscretion ( the charge was based purely on conjecture ). Her reply was, "It has been over seven years since my husbands death. I have become inactive and haven't attended meetings for years, and not an elder has ever visited me. Yet, recently you have heard a rumor that I have done something wrong and you run down here ready to dis-fellowship me. I don't understand you brothers."
I think this experience can be echoed by a lot of us, the total lack of genuine love when you leave, but then the instant attention when they think you are doing something wrong.
Have any of you had similar experiences?