I had a Job where I would Inspect building for insurance reasons. Many of the clients where churches. I got counseled on this matter by the elders. The firm that I work for controls what I inspect, I have no control of this. The elders Told me to quit that job. I asked them if they would pay my mortgage and car payment since u want me to quit this job? I never quit and they stopped bothering me after that.
deep thoughts
by lancelink 27 Replies latest jw experiences
What happened to you is a consequence of telling everybody your business.
This is the problem in the Witness religion: no boundaries. Everybody is in everybody else’s business.
Everybody doesn’t have to know every minute detail about somebody’s life. Your job is really nobody’s business. While somebody may have an idea where you work - why do they have to know everything that happens there??
See, I could never stand this about the congregation. As far as them telling somebody to quit their job, they tried this with me just because it was a full time job. They thought they were going to ‘abase’ me because they have serious issues about women. Thankfully, I paid no attention and in time was able to retire.. I didn’t care what these idiots thought about me.
If you had quit your job and became destitute these people wouldn’t care. I also believe some Witnesses were/are partly motivated by envy and jealousy when they hear about somebody’s decent job! Surely you’ve heard the expression ‘misery loves company’. That’s what a lot of them are all about, IMO.
Longhairgal- In Jwland, when your dad is an elder and your family is "on top of the food chain" to sort of speak, you have no privacy at all. It was until We moved Italy, that Our thinking changed. Dad was a CEO of Compny and could nolonger do elder stuff. And the Jw's overall unsettled us.
My parents told me when I was young, “You can trust the brothers”.
The end of asking questions.
Religion is a snare and a racket .....Follow the money .
If Jesus Christ ever really did exist ....did he ever ask for contributions...money ? Collection plates... money ?...tithes ...money ?
Why is it religions whatever the denominations always need ,want more money ?
God can`t ...or won`t provide ?
Think about it .
They used to criticise the Catholic Church for doing that.. :-
WT 99 3/15 p 24 “ Building on Pagan Foundations “
“The Pantheon was originally a pagan temple, a “place for all gods,” which is the meaning of the original Greek word. Today, it is still considered a Roman Catholic church. How was such a surprising transformation possible?"…………………….
It ought to be obvious, however, that changing the dedication of a temple or the name of a celebration is not sufficient to transform the ‘worship of devils into the service of the true God.’ “What agreement does God’s temple have with idols?” asked the apostle Paul. “‘Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’; ‘and I will take you in.’ ‘And I shall be a father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah the Almighty.”
Hypocrites !
Last week I looked up Menlo Park, CA. Kingdom Hall on Google Earth. It was sold...not to nearby Facebook Corp., but to a Spanish evangelical church. After all the hoopla and disfellowshipping of the sincere elders who spoke out about the land grab, I wonder how the local publishers feel when they drive by and see "False Religion" using the building they worked so hard on. The Menlo Park Fiasco brought me and my wife to this group and helped us exit.
Lancelink - this thread got me to reread some of the old Menlo Park KH threads from 10+ years ago. They are a great read for anyone newer to this site. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/199355/menlo-park-ca-usa-kingdom-hall