I watched a video once of men being trained ...it was a study. They had the men doing the most rediculous things-can't remember quite what now. So between that video, the letter to elders to keep their mouths shut about the koolaid, and to go along with the CSA protocol, and what I will call insurance fraud by the JW, and who knows what other things the men in positions in the org go along with-these things prompt the question. I wonder if women would have been as pliable as men who want to be big fish in a small pond. Maybe there is no real answer to that...so the next question is why would Men put up with going against their grain-surely it riled some to know they were being told to keep there mouth shut by the implied threat of df. Then I was thinking of the men who lied to the Australian royal commission. Why were they so compliant as to lie for the org? So I am rambling.....So I questioned google as to which gender was more compliant, and it is women...which makes sense as they have been brow beaten for like ever...Which makes me wonder why a self supporting, thinking man would be so willing to comply with things that are clearly wrong.
are men more compliant than women
by enoughisenough 11 Replies latest jw experiences
It's also interesting when you account for the fact that the Women in the Organization far outnumber the men. Women tend to be more socially-focused. Men tend to have a focus on authority and prominence, although this differs by upbringing and generations.
Less and less of the younger men are accepting responsibilities. When you are barely scraping by, working full time to rent a 1 bedroom apartment, it makes it a little challenging to care about cleaning toilets at the kingdom hall, let alone preparing and giving talks. The men that are defending the Organization in court have nothing to lose because they have been supported their entire life by them.
I know a brother who was booted from bethel in his 60s after decades of service. He became a special pioneer and had to live in the Kingdom Hall basement because he didn't know how to function in society and work to provide for himself. He is now lonely, poor, and puts all his remaining energy into his elder duties because he has no life aside from it. Millennials and Gen Z have examples like his, and don't want to repeat that mistake.
If JW men are more compliant than most, it’s because the Org has made a deliberate effort to divest itself of noncompliant men.
It's difficult to compare the compliance of men vs women in JW World since women aren't in the same positions as men as far as receiving direction from the Branch.
But anyone who has served as an elder knows there are those men who LIVE FOR their position. For many of them it's the only time they garner any respect in their life (even from their wife & kids). Many of them are still so gullible about Jehovah's protection and direction in anything they are asked to do and just watch their ego (and hat size) expand when they are "privileged" to be entrusted with the task of following through on what the Service Desk or CO or Branch tells them to do without giving any thought that it may put them at personal risk.
responding to Vidiot and DesirousofChange. V- you are so correct about getting rid of the non compliant- you can see that in the veiled threat in the letter where the elders were told to keep their mouth shut. But that went for women as well who dared speak against the GB pushing of "koolaid'. DoC- "anything they are asked to do"-reminded me of a funny occurrance: One elder with the then rbc had a lacky! This lacky wanted in the good graces of big fish elder. So while at a hall build, another who was observing how lacky was the brute labor for the big fish, told the lacky he bet if big fish told him to go jump off clift he would do it. Lacky responded: not again.
Cults work hard to build up a reliance on the leadership, especially for guidance and for a sense of purpose. They encourage and reward obedience and discourage and punish assertiveness. JWs do this differently for men and women- men are teased with the opportunity to become leaders themselves, while women are exalted when they are humble and submissive.
Those men who do not show the ambition needed to become leaders are sidelined and treated as lost causes unless they get their acts together. Women are expected to be quiet (if they are single) or submissive and supportive (if they are wives). If it seems that the ambitious men have it good, remember that their entire value lies in how submissive and supportive they are of "the organization."
Lee Marsh
Which makes me wonder why a self supporting, thinking man would be so willing to comply with things
that are clearly wrong.
One theory (not proven) is that the men in most cults derive their status by the rules of the group.
Outside the group very few have attained any prominence. The only place they can or have done that is within the group.
Within the WTS/JWs men get status by obeying the rules set out for them. To maintain that status you follow. There is no room for changing the rules. Demotion often means you are considered as defective regardless of the reasons for it.
He who is faithful in small things.....
All JWs are subject to this kind of thinking and behavior not just the men. It might just be more obvious with the men.
I was thinking the last couple of weeks how we would embellish the truth all the time. But I was remembering how at conventions we were basically told to lie on the platform. When we rehearsed our parts if it didn't sound fantastic enough we were "encouraged" to say it this way or add something that made it all sound better. In reality it was a lot of small lies and I hated it. It was what happened... sort of but not really if you know what I mean.
I also spent years pretending that I had a happy Witness marriage. People would say, "Oh I want a marriage just like yours when I do get married" I felt ill. They had no idea what life was like when no one was around to see what happened. It was a life of lies and pretend. My elder husband paid no attention to me except to demand sex. He ignored the children unless it was to lecture, yell, hit, punch or even kick them. Most of the time he was off in the study or out on service or doing shepherding calls.
All of it, by the men and women is to promote a book publishing company that isn't even publishing real books, just a lot of lies that keep changing. They demand total obedience even when they are wrong.
You don't think. You just conform.
I noticed that for whatever reason it's one of the greatest fears of men to be accused of sexual assault. Whether a child or women as the whistle-blower, men tend to side with the other men as if the victim is lying. I never understood this. But just look around at not only child abuse but sexual harassment & assault the victims are treated like garbage.
When I was like 4 or 5, I told my babysitters husband that his son was taking me out back and pulling down my pants & touching and licking my privates. He brushed me off & said "No, he's just straightening up your pants".
I was stunned that I was brushed off and that an adult didn't belive me. Well I went home that night & told my mom. She pulled me from that babysitter & I never saw them again.
Lee Marsh
Sorry that happened to you but good for your mother.
One of the issues regarding why people don't want to believe... well a few actually
- No one wants to believe that someone they trust has abused a child. (What does it say about me that I trusted this person?)
- Maybe the child really did misunderstand or was confused about what happened or if they are angry maybe they are just lying.
- What if I believe it? What am I supposed to do. Go to the elders? They won't believe this child. So this goes nowhere. Go to the police - plenty of reasons not to do that. Easier to pretend you didn't hear it and do nothing.
Bill Covert
There was a TV program many years ago on the sexes. The main points I remember was that men can be can be more mind controlled by issues and crowd mentality, hence the ability to form them into armies and fight wars. To form women up into groups is akin to herding cats. Women are not interested in issues but in environment surrounding family.
So then who is the stronger sex?