just because an idea can be proved doesn’t mean it’s true. When the experiments are done, we still have to choose what to believe - TheLiberator
That sounds like the sort of oxymoron creationists say who have no intention of examining the facts.
Imagine you are on a jury and the lawyer for the prosecution presents objective evidence day after day. He has DNA evidence, fibers, fingerprints, footprints, eye witnesses, CCTV, phone records, financial records, texts, emails etc etc. All of it points compellingly to the accused.
On the final day of the trial the defense lawyer gets up and says, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury I have absolutely no evidence at all to offer you on behalf of the defendant. But just because an idea is true doesn’t mean it can be proved. And just because an idea can be proved doesn’t mean it’s true."
Would you be impressed?
Evolution is not a matter of opinion. It's not a case of weighing up the evidence on both sides and making a judgement. There is NO evidence for creationism. It is entirely religious superstition. The evidence for evolution makes it as certain as the fact that the earth is not flat.
Only those who avoid the task of examining the evidence can maintain the charade that it is even open to reasonable doubt.