June 2016 WT (study edition) Bashing Higher Education....AGAIN!

by ToesUp 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • ToesUp

    Paragraph 14:

    "This means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment, associations, and styles of dress and grooming. Or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “great things,” such as through the pursuit of higher education. (Jer. 45:4, 5)"

    Higher education helps us attain "great things?

    Mortgage or monthly rent

    Health insurance


    Clothes/shoes/school supplies for kids

    Glasses/braces for kids

    Car payment to get to and from work

    Gas/car insurance for car to get to and from work.

    These are MY "great things." How about you?

    These are the things people that don't live in the real world pass judgement onto others that are just trying to support their families.

  • bohm

    Just when it is taken out of context like that, the idea that obtaining "great things" is BAD is really odd. Like, what else should people try to obtain? Small things? Really shitty things?

  • sir82
    Yes, all those school teachers, social workers, nurses, and civil engineers are only in it for the wealth, fame & glory!
  • ToesUp
    We just wish we had enough at the end of the month for "great things." lol
  • NotBlind

    The primary "great thing" they don't want the R&F to attain is critical thinking.

    Their ridiculous anti-education stance has given JW's the well-deserved title of "World's Most Un-Educated Religion".


    This is an organization that actively wants their followers to be ashamed of any personal achievements that aren't directly related to selling their comic books & making converts.

  • Hadriel

    This is a complete oxymoron. Why? Because Baruch which this chapter concerns was a scribe and underling of Jeremiah. He was of noble birth and received schooling and training or he wouldn't be in the position he was in.

    While it is true that vs. 4,5 are an indication that Baruch was caught up in likely becoming a head of state the admonition here is one of refraining from politics more than anything.

    This chapter is better applied to not taking position in man's governments. As to higher education though it is completely irrelevant as Baruch had higher education.

    Complete misapplication in my opinion.

  • pixel

    to attain “great things,

    The WT/JW/GB/Super 7 always are trying to make you believe that if you want higher education you want a super car, yatch, an island, a big house. When in reality regular people do not pursue this things.

  • just fine
    just fine

    Yes it is terrible to get a degree. My first job after college graduation offered $72k it was just awful to have to figure out what to do with the money. Paying our bills off, taking a small vacation etc. The yacht and island will have to wait I guess............

    My still in siblings are always having a hard time with their bills and if the kids need anything or they have unexpected doctor bills it's a disaster. I feel bad for their kids, I used to help them out, but once they started shunning me and still expected me to help them, I said no thanks.

  • Simon
    The WTS is like the Donald Trump of religion: likes uneducated people.
  • ttdtt

    Last assembly we heard about people going to college to get buildings named after them and to be famous.

    How many people do you know who went to college to get a building named after them?

    I was unaware of those course being available?

    But I guess people who go to - become nurses, and elementary school teachers, and marine biologists, and accountants, and surveyors - are REALLY Puffed Up With Pride and looking to be GREAT!! Can't argue with that I guess.

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