Prime Minister of Australia announces intention to revoke Jehovah’s Witnesses charity status

by jwleaks 41 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LongHairGal


    That’s funny but apropos about the flaming hailstone!..Some JWs are angry I suppose because they are tired of ‘this system of things’ and they are starting to sound vindictive like ‘fire and brimstone’.

    They are also angry at people who have left the religion because we won’t tolerate the garbage THEY put up with or are seemingly not affected by.

    An old JW ‘friend’ seemed to slip this punishing mentality in in a recent communication..My reply ignored this as I’m not interested in any stupid back and forth so I made it a point to delete them from my contacts..If I ever do hear from this person in the future I will be polite.

  • Clarkey

    Sweet, I hope this sends a message to all religious organizations that intentionally hide acts of pedophilia within their organization.

  • Fadeaway1962

    A measure of justice for the victims when all they have to do is acknowledged there serious error and apologize for the hurt they caused.

    Hope it's back dated and the victims get their due compensation.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    It will be painted as persecution over "loving " biblical standards

  • Clarkey

    It will be painted as persecution over "loving " biblical standards

    Your probably right RTN

    Just like the early first generation Christians were persecuted.

    Then they will say this is clearly an indication that we are close at hand to the GT and Armageddon.

    The governments controlled by this wicked system of things are starting to turning against true religion, just as the scriptures foretell in prophecy.

  • Biahi

    Clarkey, it’s the “false religions of Christendom” who will be attacked first, only the JWs left, they aren’t supposed to be first. Lol, I’m so happy for this, may it continue, country by country. 🤣😏😈

  • Hotpepper

    I'm so happy to see the WTS getting their ass kicked,. Harder and harder the last few years

  • FedUpJW

    Wonder how the WTS will respond?

    As mentioned in previous posts, the WT will spin this as "worldly" persecution. And the begging for "honoring Gee-HO"-Vuh with your valuable things" will get even more intense and pointed for $$$$$.

  • Clarkey

    Technically your correct but the JWs is false religion according to its doctrines, so maybe the bible prophecies are spot on.

  • Diogenesister
    that I know are supported by the opposition, that the Commonwealth will place on institutions who continue to refuse to join the scheme, including withdrawal of their charitable status for these offending organisations.

    Go Oz!!!

    When they say "Commonwealth" they don't mean the whole Commonwealth, do they? That would be brilliant! Or is "Commonwealth" a term for all states/Australia??

    Either way, this is one form of "persecution" I can really get behind!

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