Brother & Sister-in-Law Return to Kingdom Hall After Two Decades, Quickly Get Stumbled

by TMS 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FedUpJW

    He showed up on Saturday ready for work, but was informed that those duties could only be performed by approved JWs "in good standing."

    A very similar thing happened in the next congregation over from where I was some twenty years ago. A newly interested fellow showed up ready to work on their new KH. He was turned down because he wasn't approved for serve us yet. But the contractor who had heavy equipment to loan, and was DF'd, was welcomed to work; as long as only the elders talked to him. He quit his "bible study" and told the JW's to FO.

    Hucking Fypocrites!

  • JustMe2

    If this Witness wasn't qualified to mow the lawn, then certainly the woman who was known to be a sinner had no right to wet Jesus' feet with her tears, dry them with her hair, and pour perfume on them. How could Jesus have allowed it! Oh, wait, it was the Pharisee who thought Jesus was wrong to let her do such a thing.

  • Crazyguy

    What a cult

  • Fernando

    "morass of inconsistencies" (Ray Franz)

  • smiddy

    Let`s hope your brother and sister in-law finally see this bullshit of a religion for what it is..


  • jwleaks
    At the couple's second or third Kingdom Hall meeting since coming back to the organization, our brother-in-law learned about a special work day at the Kingdom Hall the following Saturday, to mow grass and trim bushes. He showed up on Saturday ready for work, but was informed that those duties could only be performed by approved JWs "in good standing."

    Many years ago in my area the Watchtower had to undertake safety training for volunteers on a new kingdom hall building site. Statutory requirements were that all the elders and brothers supervising and working on the site must undergo a regulatory safety briefing carried out by a licensed safety officer. The Watchtower did not have one. A sister in the area advised the Watchtower that she was licensed and could train the elders and brothers and issue them their certificates at no cost to the Watchtower.

    The Watchtower rejected the offer as they could never submit to a lowly 'sister' instructing elders, circuit overseers, bethelites, district overseer, ministerial servants and brothers.

    Problem solved. The Watchtower contacted the regulatory body and asked them to organize a training program at a substantial cost per head.

    The regulatory body arranged for a qualified instructor and teacher to conduct the course. They looked at their list of licensed instructors in the area and sent the most qualified.

    Imagine the surprise for all these brothers assembled at a local kingdom hall when the instructor and teacher that was sent was the actual sister, who they had to pay $500 fees for plus $25 per head instruction.

    Watchtower mentality will never change.

    At a kingdom hall cleaning I was asked to clean the toilets. I replied to the elder "I'm sorry I can't clean the dirty toilets. I'm not spiritually qualified."

    The following suggestion I have mentioned to many young brothers over the years on how to get out of kingdom hall or assembly hall cleaning or volunteer work at conventions: "Sorry brother I can't help with the cleaning as I'm on restrictions."

  • aintenoughwiskey

    The Watchtower rejected the offer as they could never submit to a lowly 'sister' instructing elders, circuit overseers, bethelites, district overseer, ministerial servants and brothers.

    Problem solved. The Watchtower contacted the regulatory body and asked them to organize a training program at a substantial cost per head.

    The regulatory body arranged for a qualified instructor and teacher to conduct the course. They looked at their list of licensed instructors in the area and sent the most qualified.

    Imagine the surprise for all these brothers assembled at a local kingdom hall when the instructor and teacher that was sent was the actual sister, who they had to pay $500 fees for plus $25 per head instruction.

    Idiots with 1950's mentality. Best story ever

  • Tenacious

    Funny thing about cleaning toilets and taking trash out, etc. The ones rarely seen doing these 'menial' tasks were elder wives. God forbid they clean someone else's s**t. They were above cleaning the s**t cuz they were already knee deep in it sniffing the CO's own batch. Simply hilarious.

  • pale.emperor
    Lets see who they call when their toilet breaks. Where, oh, where could they find a plumber who will work for free???
  • ToesUp

    My spouse and I must have been on the OK list. We weren't good enough for anything "spiritual" but we always seemed ok to do the cleaning, haul the trash and take the speaker out to lunch. WT has no problem taking your money or using your free labor.

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