So, What's Been Going On In Watchtower Land Since January 2023?

by JW GoneBad 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    So what's been going on in WT Land since January 2023?

    Recap and summary of events most Jehovah’s Witnesses are not aware of:

    1) Pennsylvania Attorney General Statewide Investigation of Jehovah’s Witness Elders' child sex abuse cases.

    2) Anthony Morris III sudden removal
    as GB member & ousted from Warwick Compound just after Pennsylvania Attorney General launches its JW Elder
    Statewide CSA investigation.

    3) WTBTS suddenly purchases 2 residential properties in the same community in Lumberton N.C.

    4) WTBTS suddenly negotiates with ousted Anthony Morris for his silence & provides him free lifetime housing in Lumberton N.C., faraway from N.Y. Headquarters Compound.

    5) WTBTS hires same Law Firm the Roman Catholic Church used in its CSA cases to defend Elders in Pennsylvania CSA Statewide investigation.

    6) WTBTS willing to pay roughly $475 hourly rate plus traveling expenses to Roman Catholic CSA law firm to defend Pennsylvania JW Elders.

    7) Fourteen JWs arrested + one alleged perpetrator commits suicide related to Pennsylvania JW Statewide Investigation.

    8) WT worldwide demand for higher and
    now new monthly per publisher fee from every congregation perhaps to pay for increased CSA related Attorney fees, CSA court costs and other CSA out of court settlements.

    9) A Pennsylvania woman visits Anthony Morris' new congregation in Lumberton N.C. and declares/alleges to an elder there that Anthony Morris was involved in some sort of CSA wrongdoing involving herself, her sisters & family.

    10) WTBTS stresses to rank & file of need to 'Exercise Patience' at this year's (2023)
    Regional Conventions as these
    negative & embarrassing events unfold.

    11) Numerous GB Tony Morris WT videos deleted and/or altered to remove GB Tony Morris' character/profile on them.

    It's worthwhile to note that this is only August 2023 with 4 months to go in the year...what's next? Also noteworthy is none of the above WT related embarrassing & negative developments appear on WT's news website.

  • EasyPrompt
    ...what's next?

    The government bans WTBT$ and takes all their stuff.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    2023s been quite a year.

    All these twist and turns. You never know.

  • Vidiot

    The govt doesn’t need to ban ‘em.

    All they gotta do is revoke their charity status, and they’re sunk.

  • blondie

    VIdiot, money talks.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    If they remove charity status in one country or another it means they have to start paying tax. They don’t like to do that even though Jesus said to do it.

    They tell everyone to live frugal lives with no education or training so most are always broke.

    In France for example about 30 years ago they had to start paying tax, so they closed the branch and moved all to London. I was there in London at the time and my new overseer was this French brother.

  • smiddy3

    noteworthy is none of the above WT related embarrassing & negative developments appear on WT's news website

    That`s not surprising ,I wonder what else can go wrong for them in the next 4 months ?

  • Gorb

    This is no topic in the bubble. They live their happy life as usual.


  • Phizzy

    " They live their happy life as usual. " Yes, happy in their Bubble of Ignorance.

    Thank you JWGoneBad, for the above List, I was not aware of the telling accusation of CSA ! explains a lot that ! Wow ! The Elders will have to "investigate" , if they take no appropriate action, then expect another Court Case ! Ha Ha .

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Over the past 20 years, religious organisations from the Catholic Church to Jehovah’s Witnesses have had a reckoning with cases of child sexual abuse.

    Many states have tried to tackle the abuse by making clergy mandatory reporters of abuse to officials, just like doctors, therapists and teachers are.

    However, more than 30 states in the United States do not require church officials to report knowledge or allegations of child abuse if the information is deemed privileged, specifically coming from confession or counselling.

    It means that abuse can all too often be hidden - and survivors are left without recourse or justice. Fault Lines investigates how state laws in the US can lead to child sexual abuse in religious communities going unpunished.

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