Is soon sooner than imminent or is imminent sooner than soon?
I've written about this before, but every time I see / hear the word "imminent" I am reminded of this:
About 10 or so years ago, the local bug-eyed nutbar elder was giving a service meeting part one Tuesday evening.
Have no idea what his theme was, but at some point he was trying to emphasize how "soon" Armageddon was.
This is more or less a verbatim transcript:
"So friends, at our recent convention, did they say the end was soon? Did you hear them say it was soon? I didn't hear them say it was soon. They did not say the end was going to be soon.
No, they said the end was...."
[pause for effect]
[wild bug-eyed stares to left, center, right, center, left]
[more dramatic pause]