'covid isnt real'

by joey jojo 55 Replies latest social current

  • pistolpete

    The fact there is a resurgence of infections in the US after a short time without restrictions toward people who didn't get a vaccination tells another story doesn't it ?.

    Yea it does, the people getting sick with Covid now are only sick for a day or two. None are dying in respirators any more except the elderly who Did have masks and some even had the vaccine. When you are 70 and up, what do you expect. To live forever.

  • Rocketman123

    How would you feel Pete if you were in your 70's and you heard a person say that ?

  • pistolpete

    How would you feel Pete if you were in your 70's and you heard a person say that ?

    I've accepted the fact a long time ago that I'm going to grow old and die. I also accepted the fact that I could die in an accident tomorrow or get cancer and die an excruciating death, maybe next year. My girl and I both accepted the fact that sooner or later one of us will die first leaving the other alone to deal with that shit.

    You see RM, I was never baptized because I never bought into the idea that humans live forever. I grew up seeing animals die, humans, die, my friends die, my relatives die and it made me aware early in life that I would be here for only a short time.

    So it doesn't bother me when someone reminds me that in 40 years I will be 70 and old and close to the end of my course.

    Once you accept that with all your heart mind and soul, then it doesn't really bug you as much as someone who was indoctrinated for years that some guy in the sky was going to give you everlasting life. I think that is so cruel to teach people that because once you find out it is not true, it has mental and emotional repercussions. Depending on how long a person believed that.

    I am a plumber and worked all through covid in several hospitals. I saw tons of people dying and I saw family members cry because they were not allowed to say goodbye. Is it terrible, ----Yes it is. But there is nothing anyone can do, and believe me a hug, a kind word just won't cut it because I tried so many times and was pushed away. Finally I stopped doing that because - That's just life.We have to accept it.

    So if I'm lucky enough to make it to 70 and someone reminds me that I will die soon, I won't get upset. Instead I will have some wonderful memories that will remind me of what a Great life I had.

    I got to meet a nice girl-girls actually. Know what it's like to be very well off at 30. Know what's it like to care for children. Have some of the most interesting friends that are there for me. Have tried all kinds of food. Have traveled to all the States in the USA. Getting ready to learn how to fly a helicopter and hope to buy one. Was born with a great body with no defects and no underline medical conditions.

    Even if I died tomorrow I would be grateful for what I've experience. Would I like to live longer, of course I would. But that's not how life works.

    So no, I would not be upset if I make it to 70 and some young kid reminds me I will die soon. It's the truth. And that kid will experience death also sooner or later. That's just the way it is.


    Wrong. There isn’t a surge from people are unvaccinated. That’s Mainstream BS to create hype. The truth is that people who are vaccinated, people who were promised the vaccines ( not an accurate label) would protect them are getting Covid again. That’s doesn’t mean some who never had it and never were vaccinated aren’t getting it, but the Media is spinning the story.

    You really, really, really need to do some research. There’s no shortage of information out there from folks who aren’t being paid to read a script.

    There’s a great Bitchute video where a Dr quotes Peter Dazak of Eco Health Alliance from a board room meeting or some meeting concerning the future of MRNA technology and Medical procedures, who says basically that if they use the Media to create enough hype the Investors will follow.

    I’ll try to find the exact quote, but it’s all about money. Big Pharma had patents on the MRNA shots for Covid-19 before it was released.


  • hoser

    I don’t think the PCR tests are 100% accurate. Lots of false positives and negatives. The Microbiology lab can decide how many replications to do and that affects the results. Why are there so many asymptotic cases of covid? A shitty test. Government policies ruined a lot of lives.


    If the Government wanted to stem the tide of Hospitalizations and deaths then they would not have aligned themselves with Big Tech and Big Pharma to censor Virologists explaining how there are proven treatments to eliminate hospitalization and death by 80%. They wouldn’t have let Faucci, who ran gain of function research guard the hen house.. They wouldn’t have said to stay home if you’re sick, unless you’re so bad you can’t breathe…THEN go to the hospital..

    It’s funny how all the Folks in Big Tech and Big Pharma and Faucci and Dazak all had a lot of money riding on MRNA being widely distributed and Big Tech used it’s power to silence experts who knew how to stop needless deaths by a huge margin with existing treatments that would have made it illegal to approve the mRNA shots for emergency use…



    Another thing you will learn from doing some research is that T-cell immunity is the most powerful part of your immune system. It can recognize a virus up to 80% dissimilar from the last virus you were infected with.

    So even if the Delta variant is real ( many experts say it is a farce ) a healthy immune system will recognize it. The real danger according to many is that the mRNA shots will cause the immune systems to weaken, especially if some get a series of shots. Then when they come into contact with ANY Corona virus…. 😵😵😵


  • MeanMrMustard
    The reason I ask is because i was watching the news about Sydney, Australia, which is in the middle of a nasty surge of the delta strain, and a guy they interviewed on the street was adamant the pandemic wasn't real.
    Statements like "it's not real" or "it's the flu" are often imprecise ways of conveying a thought about risk. The man you saw, if you assume he was quoted in the proper context, was likely trying to say that the seriousness of the virus has been overblown, that the risk is low, and therfore lockdowns are an overreaction.

    Similarly when someone says "it's the flu", they most likely don't mean the virus is the same as influenza. Rather, that the risk is about the same as the flu, and we never locked down for the flu, so why are we doing that now?

    It's a statement about risk. The current generation has a problem with evaluating risk, handling fear, and also has been trained to look to government for answers.
  • Rocketman123

    But there is nothing anyone can do

    So then vaccinating the entire population is useless and social restrictions until everyone is vaccinated is redundantly useless ?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @rocketman: not useless, counterproductive. So worse than useless. Locking people up means more people will gather in air restricted spaces. You can’t go to the beach on your vacation or during a heat wave, so you’ll stay in a tightly packed hotel, apartment or restaurant where the same air gets circulated around for literally hundreds of people. And then you get outbreaks.

    The vaccines haven’t been proven to reduce the risk of death at this point, the disease is taken the expected curves, the vaccines, ready in August/September were literally held back for over 6 months until the disease had run its course and the US elections were over. If you’re not naturally immune yet, you must have been living under a rock for the last 2 years.

    Now the vaccines are killing young people with blood clots that had literally zero risk of dying from COVID. COVID was designed to cull the weak and elderly and it did so. Why? Perhaps because China and Europe has a problem with too many elderly and not enough young people which will be leading to an economic collapse and regional instability?

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