Boy, that thread backfired, DIDN'T IT????????
People that post questions constantly to feel big?
by REALNESS 56 Replies latest jw friends
Gumby: WTF does that prove? i expained all this....Porn star is NOT me as hard as it may be to believe, if you dont believe me fine.
Scully: It is an all night internet cafe that i frequent, i work nights in the area and often pop in on my breaks. Are you hunting me down?. you seem to be putting alot of effort into this.
Gumby: WTF does that prove? i expained all this....Porn star is NOT me as hard as it may be to believe, if you dont believe me fine.
Why you jumping me.....I was on your side trying to prove that you explained all this in the thread I posted........sorry.
Hunting you down?? me??? Don't flatter yourself. Besides, there's not as much effort to troll-busting as it appears.
Love, Scully
Sorry Gumby i dont mind being accused of something i did, but it is so annoying to have something said that you dident do, sorry.
No problem
Realness or REALNESS or not realness: Hmmm First ONLY I CAN PCIK ON MINIMUS, ONLY I CAN torture him about his none dancing dot, about his 144,000 questions. See I am a Jedi and I have earned that right Also, I don't LIE to people and I find your explanation hard to swallow. Scully is NEVER wrong (Scully you can pay me later) I showed up here with one name and I have kept that and I find people trying to yank others chain irritating.
"Realness" to the posters on this thread:
"Jh Ok i agree that it may have come accross a bit mean, that was not what i intended."
Adolph Eichmann at his trial for orchestrating the murder ot 6,000,000 European Jews:
"Ok i agree that it may have come accross a bit mean, that was not what i intended."
Eichmann was a genocidal criminal and a liar. AND an asshole.
Realness is a liar AND an asshole, but both used the same argument.
Nice try, and nice pathetic excuses, Realness. Now have a nice day and go away.
Everyone is watching you now.
Sheila M :
In that thread you saying that it was not fair for people suspected of crimes to be judged as guilty without knowing the facts and that the wrong conclusions can be jumped upon. Should not the same principle be held here?. I was not picking on anybody, so you have your fun with minimus.
Scully: you cheeky devil, believe what you may i am past caring on this subject, if you believe me fine if not fine either way i dont care.
farkel: you let your imagination run away with you sometimes dont you? get back to reading your comics. Dident you know farkel me and Adolph Eichmann are one and the same too, everybody else knows why dont you? Same reasoning.
Ok that link thing dont work(bugger).edited
I think someone's gonna git a real good ass whuppin!