This is Why I Will Keep Explaining Evolution to ex-JWs
by cofty 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Regardless of any differences of opinion we have had on other subjects and the exchanges, I rather admire that you are doing this.
I am sickened by the numbers on this chart, in particular in reference to the JWs, and though a part of me has always known their stand it is still shocking to me to see it when it is presented in such an important perspective.
I tip my hat to you. Keep up the good work.
Witness My Fury
Looks like the Buddhists are the brightest of the bunch, JW's like wilful ignorance rather a lot.
I know the chart says nothing of the sort but you get my drift...
Island Man
Isn't it ironic that the religion that originated the Genesis creation account - Jews - has the second-highest acceptance of evolution? What does Genesis' parent religion know that the JWs and fundamentalists don't - that the Genesis creation account is myth? Silly JWs. Always listening to crack-pot Watchtower prognosticators and their warped bible interpretations while turning a blind eye to the insights of the very religion that wrote the book.
It's surprising that 6% were open to the idea of evolution. Probably young JWs who are awake but still self-identify as JWs.
Unlike other religions JWs cannot accept the fact of evolution. If there was no literal Adam then their bizarre doctrine of the Adam=Jesus ransom crashes.
Evangelicals see Jesus' death as a vicarious sacrifice for the sins of all - or for the elect if you are a Calvinist. So they can drop the myth of a literal Adam.
A famous Historian, Flavius Josephus, had written about the existence of Jesus, Jesus stated that man and women were created. That's good enough for me to still believe in Creation
Josephus wrote about a Jesus that was on the wall of Jerusalem calling down evil on the residents and then was hit by a rock and died. The other quote about a Christ Jesus most experts say it was a forgery.
It's surprising that 6% were open to the idea of evolution.
Not very open, though. They just believed humans evolved over time due to natural processes.
Not according to Wikipeadia
Nathan Natas
Verily, you are doing God's work. Keep it up!