We used to have a brother in our congregation who suffered from a serious mental health issue. He was well intentioned and if he heard a talk from the platform about sympathising with the brothers and sisters who were not well he was genuinely concerned and moved to action.
The only trouble was he would buy Sympathy cards to send... as in the cards you buy offering sympathy following a death. You can imagine how freaked out some of the recipients were getting those in their mailbox!!
The elders took him aside and instead of acknowledging his good intentions and suggesting that he buy Thinking of You cards instead, they read him the full riot act and put restrictions on him. He tried to kill himself, and ended up in hospital. When he was well, he was then chastised for trying to kill himself.
In the end, he left the religion. I don't blame him. But I always think about him because he was treated badly especially in view of his emotional state by power hungry men.