Hi, Cosmo.
My name is Rosemarie. I come from a long line of wonderful Italian cooks and chefs. However, it seems I am missing the cuisnart gene. But I'm a fighter and not about to give up. You see, I'm about to be married to a fellow countryman. Well, I say that in a most loose sense, as we are 3rd generation Italian-Americans. Okay, I digress.
You know how my people are infamous eating machines. And we breed more eating machines. My reason to life is to make my Antony happy and so proud of me, his Rosemarie, when the whole fam damily, his and mine, when they come over on Sundays for a little antepasto, and some vino and some pasta, and the main course. Followed up by the sfingi, some espresso. Of course, la mia mama, she makes it all and everyone groans with delight as they roll away from the table after the antepasto and the vino and . . .
I seen my Mama and her sisters make all these wonderful dishes all my life and my Antony he just assumes I can do it. I can not. My best for the man I worship would be burnt offerings. So what must I do? I get take out from Luigi's Trattoria Romana and lay it out so nice and beautiful on my best Alibaba and light us some candles. Well, that works, but when he come over for breakfast . . . How do you fry an egg?
Should I call off the wedding till I get it all together? A lie is a terrible thing to live.
Dear Rosemarie,
This is most unusual. All Italians can cook! You must search your soul and determine if this is not perhaps all in your head. Have you told Mama what you've told me? I should think she would have noticed your major mishaps in la cucina by this late date.
Be that as it may -- or may not -- there are some lovely cooking courses offered in your local junior colleges. Don't be afraid. Give it a try! Italian friends and relatives are always supportive when it comes to something as important as food! We do not simply eat to live, NO! We live to eat! CHI MANGIA BENE VIVA BENE!
As to calling off the wedding, that would depend on one major consideration -- have the invitations already been posted?
Fry an egg? Hmmm . . . Let me get back to you on this one.
Buon appetito!