It is insane that things like Magic Mushrooms are criminal when all research shows A. the are not toxic, B non-addictive, C there are many benefits to using them.
But Tobacco and Alcohol which are horrible for health and have caused so much suffering and billions of $ of cost are Ok.
You are assuming that if other drugs were made common, that they too wouldn't have the same negative impacts on society that tobacco and alcohol do.
Some things should stay illegal for a reason. We don't want deadly substances such as fentanyl to be freely available as they are a significant risk to life.
Even non life-threatening drugs turn into life-threatening drugs when combined with other things, such as driving, and while people claim "research shows no risk" that doesn't mean there is no risk, it often just means there has been insufficient research - the illegality of substances often prevents such research taking place which debunks some of the claims made about their benign effects and safety.