So I have been awake since about this time in 2013, so about 5 years. And the craziest thing about it is that now, no one, and I mean no one know's I am an apostate. Meaning, that I don't believe the JW minds set/beliefs at all, AND no one knows it. Not my wife of 26 years of marriage, nor my best friend of 36 years, nor anyone in the congregation, NO ONE.
One might say, what a wonder feat I have accomplished, and yes, it isn't easy. There are times I just want to scream, "it's f*cking not real!!" But I keep my cool, some how. I just wish I had someone to share my TRUE feelings with. But I have no one.
Thus, the reason for the title, "A spy's life is lonely one". But somehow it's all worth it. Some how. Maybe you can relate to this. If you can, then that means that I am not alone after all. For sure, there is a Vast Apostate Army out there and it is only growing weekly. What keeps my sanity is knowing that there is people out there like you who knows fact from fiction, who aren't afraid to face the facts and if the truth hurts, then by all means rip of the band-aid.
It's people like us who are willing to say, if this isn't the "truth" then show it to me, and if that means that no one has a monopoly on truth and truth might be a little allusive then so be it. At least I'm not believing a lie. Amen to that bro.
There. Now I feel better already, thanks for reading. :)