TOP 10 REASONS (Why JW's can't cope with the Real World
by TerryWalstrom 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Fantastic analysis Terry. Thank u.
Great post, this goes along with the BITE model analysis really well.
If you stop and think about it, a small child is afraid to go to sleep with the light off and the closet door open because it is IMAGINATION he can't cope with. It is FANTASY he can't cope with. It is FICTION he can't cope with because he's been exposed to entertainment horror genres.
Grown up Jehovah's Witnesses are just the opposite. The are actually taught that the WatchTower's fantasy horror version of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon are REALITY.
The videos about THE BUNKER try to make "real" what is pure speculative fantastical religious zealotry.Consequently . . .
Both little kids and grown up JW's need to sleep with the light on and the closet door closed. (Watch out for demons!)
Spot on!
That about sums it up for me.
Now and again I reconsider what sort of mindset I possessed before I was tampered and molested by the Jehovah's Witness mind rape.
Who would I have become if left alone?
I shall never know nor am I able to imagine.Whoever that Terry was . . .he was bloody well murdered.
I'm his ghost. -
Thank you Terry this is really brilliant! Except that using Google Docs somehow causes the formatting to go completely awol and askew and for some reason the document is peppered with a whole series of hyperlinks that lead nowhere.
Is there any chance you could create a simple Word version as I'd love to pass this on to some mental health practitioners?
____________________The WatchTower Organization denies access to reality, substituting its OWN propaganda version instead
Only Watchtower approved publications are allowed.
No higher education is to be pursued.
No non-JW friends or associations are encouraged with worldly "outside" POV.
No free-style questioning of doctrine is permitted nor is constructive criticism.
Threat of being "marked" or disassociated is wielded to discourage insubordinates.
2. Between every real-world event and the JW's mind, a roadblock has been placed.
The interpretive moment of free thought is interrupted by RE-LABELING in Watchtower-speak, jargon, and doctrinal rhetoric substituted.
World events are twisted into a narrow storyline and propagandized as End Times signs leading to Armageddon.
3. Individual tastes for Personal IDENTITY are expunged and replaced by a collective PERSONA. You are not yourself. You are to be viewed as a representative and example.
Private thinking is red-flagged as selfish and sinful.
Personal ambition is crushed. Only door-to-door ministry substituted as "worthy" endeavors. Beards and tight-pants are glaring demonstrations of satanic ego.
JW’s are coerced into a public spectacle of theocratic performance for judgement.
No individual is allowed a right to fall in love and marry or educate or earn without prior approval. You are the property of the Kingdom Hall and the Governing Body.
4. Both History and Future cease to be objective occurrences
Every human endeavor is judged as to whether it is part of Jehovah's Plan
Great Leaps of advancement for humanity are disregarded and minimized.
c. Terrorist atrocities are proof positive of a Satanic doomed world.
d. Individual triumphs and tragedies have no particular value; only Armageddon matters.
5. Talent, Creativity and Genius are transformed into useless ego obsessions.
No personal achievement is praiseworthy since all glory is for Jehovah only.
Neither Musical, Artistic, Scientific or Mathematical ability is encouraged because the preaching activity supersedes all else.
Critical Thinking leads to skepticism and eventual disfellowshipping. Even intelligence itself is marked as suspicious.
6. Ignorance, poverty, disease and psychological disturbance are NOT worthwhile for charity, education or institutional tasking for JW's.
Building hospitals or colleges diverts precious time away from the JW ministry. Besides, Paradise implies repair and perfection anyway.
Becoming a physician, social worker, volunteer in the community or joining any established task-oriented organization DISTORTS rather than solves human problems because Armageddon is coming quickly anyway.
Humanitarian activity, disaster relief and institutional charity promote secular and false-religious creeds instead of Jehovah's solutions.
Personal financial concerns aren't important to the congregation. Your finances are a symptom of End Times eventuality, not a focus of brotherly remedy.
7. Human perception is untrustworthy, corrupted by sin and worldliness
Only thoughts which come from official Governing Body writings are safe.
Personal opinions, life experience and original analysis constitute hubris and running ahead of Jehovah's plan for his people.
Calling attention to doctrinal irregularity, questioning "new light" and repeated calls for clarification red-flag spiritual weakness and danger.
8. There are no "Good" people in any other religion. If they were good they'd join Jehovah's Witnesses.
The appearance of goodness, charity, benevolence and selfless devotion to others by Catholics, Baptists, Buddhists or other religious types is only an artificial misunderstanding of Jehovah's permanent solutions to mankind's true problem: sin and death.
Most do-gooders are religious fakes, imposters and money-grubbing charlatans who should be exposed and not admired.
There is no one good except Jehovah anyway
9. Everything you read, see, experience and think is a distortion by Satan for the purpose of deflecting you from Jehovah's TRUTH.
Watchtower study replaces corrupt images, thoughts and ideas with clean, purified and approved replacements.
The human heart is desperate and corrupt. What you "feel" is probably sin and not compassion. Don't trust yourself to know anything.
The entire world is in the control and power of invisible demonic forces hellbent on destroying humanity
10. Doubting Jehovah's organization isn't the result of logic or awareness of errors
They never said they were perfect or inspired or prophetic
Jehovah eventually repairs any damage (Wait on Jehovah)
Disloyalty to the Organization is disloyalty to Jehovah himself. Armageddon will settle that score.
In view of the Ten reasons above, there can be no doubt that the Organization has completely REMOVED REALITY from JW awareness.
_________Being denied a right to reality is to have one's mind taken hostage.
Without thinking your own thoughts you cannot ever be an actual real person.
The group thinks FOR you and instructs you what to do and say and how to be.
Without that GROUP there is only doubt, emptiness, and longing to be cocooned by the "other" and cradled away from fear.
________Why it is hard to break free?
You wonder why JW family member won't listen to reason?
You wonder why the obvious isn't at all obvious?
For isn’t allowed to exist!
Very good!
I would maybe wish to add a factor that makes the JW worldview so sedictive. In the modern world where old certainties are in flux and old answers are always tentative and relative, JWs hold out the offer of a worldview with definite answers to all life's difficult questions: like how should men and women conduct themselves in relation to each other; what is it useful spending your life doing; is political and social engagement worthwhile; what is the future of humanity. JWs attract people who like definite answers to these sorts of questions, and who find the shifting sands of the modern world unsettling or even distressing. For many people, the security of such certainties has great value, prompting them to overlook the quality of the answers offered. It's why JWs can also tolerate a lot of doctrinal shift too. The certainty of the answers and worldview offered is more important than the actual content of the answers.