Elder dissassociates himself from platform!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 16 Replies latest jw friends
Click on subtitles for english. It may or may not work for some.
The guy is gutsy, even prays at the end of his talk and then is ushered off the platform.
There is light at the end of the tunnel all so dont give up your activism .
He spoke in his talk about the hushed up child abuse, money grabbing, how "holy spirit" phrase was removed form the baptism question. Some other doctrinal things.In his prayer he tells Jehooba that he does not want tobe a jdumb anymore.
please feel free to add to this.
This happened or video uploaded on 2 jan 2020!
It's coming for you Watchtower! The jig is up!!! You may not go away but you WILL and ARE being exposed. We are going to see more and more of this in the near future. Karma!!
Thank you for sharing this.
Another just happened.
From Post...
"Breaking News from Japan ..
Actually quite extraordinary news.
Just got off the phone to a good PIMO friend in Japan.
The 5 Elders and 6 Servants from the Shirakawa Congregation in Japan all "woke up" from the borg last year.
What does one do when the congregation leaders all wake up to the fact that the borg is a cult?
They felt it there duty to inform the congregation on Thursday night.
And all resign publicly.
I will be posting the talk(s) they all gave (they all took it in turns to give there reasons publicly) and will translate it with English subtitles. I'll post it to YouTube.
It is quite astonishing.
The congregation is 90+ strong. Only around 65 were in attendance on the night.
There were gasps, tears and it was very emotional. A few walked out in tears as you can imagine the disbelief of the magnitude of the event.
In 1 coordinated night, the congregation collapsed within 60 minutes.
I've never heard of anything like this happening before. "
I was told this but not yet sure how true this is, I did not want to pose questions of whom I heard this ,there are issues. Fingers crossed on this one. time will tell.
For the record, the video is in German. And that is how I intend to reply if I get called out on why I don't attend boasting sessions any more. In German. And they are going to have a miserable time trying to understand a word of it--I am getting so I can understand bits and pieces of it, even at speed and in this sort of environment. And, if I do send a disassociation letter, it will be in German.
To any hounders--have fun trying to read it.