The camp of Israel and the problem of pooping

by FFGhost 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FFGhost

    So, in a couple weeks, the JWs move on in their Bible-reading slog to the book of Deuteronomy.

    Take a gander at Deuteronomy 23:12,13:

    A private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go. 13 A peg should be part of your equipment. When you squat outside, you should dig a hole with it and then cover your excrement.A peg should be part of your equipment. When you squat outside, you should dig a hole with it and then cover your excrement.

    Sounds pretty simple, right? "Gotta go answer the call of nature, be back in 10" - right?


    How many people were there? See Numbers 1:46

    the total number registered was 603,550

    And that's just the men!

    WT Publications have stated repeatedly that the 600,000 men implied "3 million" total Israelites trekking thru the wilderness.

    One example:

    In 215 years, a small number of Israelites in Egypt increased to as many as three million

    That's a lot of people! Let's think about this for a minute.

    How densely were those people packed together in their 40 year camping trip?

    Let's say they were packed together really tight. Really really tight. Let's say they were packed together as tightly as modern-day Chicago, which has a population density of 12,000 people per square mile.

    So, to fit 3,000,000 people packed together Chicago-style, you need 250 square miles.

    If they were arranged in a perfect square, that's about 14 miles by 14 miles.

    What if you're one of the poor schmucks who is camped right in the middle? If you've gotta go, you have to hike at least 7 miles - 2 hours - to get "outside the camp". Probably a lot longer, as you are walking through a densely populated area, stepping around, over, past, hundreds of thousands of people on the way.

    Oh - and then to get back home, you've got to hike another 2+ hours.

    God forbid you have to go twice a day - that's 8 hours a day walking just to do your business "outside the camp".

    You can pick other shapes than a square of course, but to get to a reasonable amount of time to walk to "outside the camp" you've got an oblong shape 100+ miles, maybe 200+ miles, long. So, was there a 200 mile long string of Israelite camps in the desert? That would make communication a bit tricky.

    And again - that assumes an unrealistic population density for the Israelite nomads as thick as that of modern-day Chicago. The problem exacerbates enormously with more reasonable population density estimates.


    Maybe the writers of Numbers and Deuteronomy just make $#!+ up that sounded good, but really didn't think things through?

    Evidently there were no "continuity checkers" in the late Iron Age.

  • Fadeaway1962

    And they would also require millions of litres of water every day not only for drinking but they would have to wash their hands after they had a crap .

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    No shit?

  • nowwhat?

    Funny I always wondered about that going back 40 years! Also were there even any trees to go behind?

  • truth_b_known

    More rational thought on why the Exodus never happened.

  • FedUpJW

    Maybe the writers of Numbers and Deuteronomy just make $#!+ up

    They should have buried their scrolls with a peg.

  • mickbobcat

    Well the world population at the time was around 30 million people. So the Jews were 10percent of the world population? Today its around 14 million so they have done very poorly in reproducing over a long time period. The cult is again pulling crap out of their ass.

  • pistolpete

    Maybe the writers of Numbers and Deuteronomy just make $#!+ up that sounded good, but really didn't think things through?

    Evidently there were no "continuity checkers" in the late Iron Age.

    Or maybe these were just stories that parents told their 2 year old children. Like Jack and the beanstalk.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Don't forget that in addition to the people there was all their animals. Yet again this week we are killing and burning sheep and bulls. I've never been to Chicago but suspect there are not a lot of sheep and bulls there. So, where did they keep these? In the camp? There must have been significant flocks and herds just to keep the sacrifices going. These animals would need food and water. Maybe the animals lived on manna!

    To think I used to believe all this twaddle.


  • FFGhost

    Must be the ADHD, can't stop thinking about this...

    Assuming the whole camp is asleep during the night, that leaves 16 or so hours for everyone to poop.

    That works out to about 188,000 people per hour doing their "bidness". Outside the camp.

    Assuming my square campground (see above) that's a perimeter of 56 linear miles at the border of the camp. That's about 3300 people per hour per linear mile of camp border a-squattin' and a-diggin'.

    Now just picture this: You've managed to hold it in for 2 hours, after hiking 7+ miles to get outside the camp, and now you can finally relieve yourself, and what do you see?

    Left, right, and center - as far as the eye can see - thousands of your fellow Israelites squatting and digging, digging and squatting. A constant stream of hundreds more arriving every minute, looking for some unoccupied plot of ground. Imagine the smell, the sounds.....

    Now imagine that scene repeating every day of your life for 40 years....

    Maybe "the rebels" were right - they were better off in Egypt.....

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