Damn kids ... or am I getting old?

by Simon 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ballistic

    Some of you know - I am an online gamer. Well - it never ceases to amaze me - some of the people I play "whip my arse" so to speak, and around 10.00 o'clock send me a message saying "mummy said I've gotta go to bed now - Cya"!!!

  • MegaDude


    I actually don't have "Generals" but Simon does, and he likes it very much.

  • Robdar

    Ah, Simon, I know how you feel. When mine was younger there were only 2 games I could beat him at: Dr. Mario and Duck Hunt. Find a game or two that you are good at and lord it over the kids because they can't beat your high score. Pretty soon they will know who the real master is.


  • Simon

    Yes, I've got Generals and really like it.

    The competition part is there but it's not "everything" like it is with you

    erm ... you haven't met our Liam then ! He is very competitive ... I don't know where he get's it from

  • larc

    Take heart Simon, you might be raising the next Bill Gates, and he will put you in many palaces - hopefully in the UK, not Iraq.

  • waiting

    Dear Simon,

    Yes, you are old. Ang., however, isn't. That's the way it goes in The Real World.

    And your children will always outwit you....that's also the way of The Real World.

    However, you will continue to give them money.....that's also..........oh forget it. You get the picture, dad.

    However, your boys will remain cute for at least several more years. Then get dogs. Little dogs. They remain cute for a loooong time.....longer than kids.

    waiting - with 3 grown kids and 3 cute dachshunds

  • bittersweet

    My kids kick my butt on "Simpsons Road Rage" too! It seems they don't have to concentrate at all either!

    I chalk it up to old age. I just think that some day they'll be old too, and their kids will beat them at other stuff.

  • xjw_b12

    Sounds like my son and the on line game Rune.

    It was all the rage for the past 2-3 months with him and his friends. Now he's progressed to the point where his buddies, are behind him, and he's grown tired of the game because there is no one to challenge him at his level.

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