Our COBE(Coordinator Of Body of Elders) Cried at the Kingdom Hall
by James Jack 50 Replies latest jw experiences
One can only hope so James.... -
'Tis true indeed that to be the COBE or Secretary these days ,they have to be tech literate and smart in a businesslike sense. Spirituality is no longer the main thing....
In local congs I have seen good but older ,older-men replaced as COBE by smart go-getters.
It is a young person's religion today.
I like the point made that you'd think the org would set up workshops to enable 'publishers' to be up to speed - it's SO hard for some older ones to switch into technology....even workshops would only relieve a little of the stress for some.
For a faithful elderly witness, their inability to keep up would hurt badly.....
I've noticed that at most churches there are worship times for elderly, along with the main church services.....which on Sundays are at two times in the morning - take your pick....plus a 'classic' for those wanting a familiar and older style service, with hymns they have known since childhood - some are absolutely beautiful by the way.
I've seen the elderly cherished and cared for, called to tell life experiences sometimes -such as how they've coped in difficult times....I'm only an occasional observer, but everyone seems to have their place and voice, men and women alike.
Its very sad at times.......i had a hard time watching a "sister" about 80 + .. Having a hard time turning her tablet on.
I reached over and turned it on, she smiled , and it was over.
It took the evil df'd one to show the nice lady some love, and respect.
Thie borg has been moving toward the worship of youth and beauty since the magazine photography became more sophisticated. Of course that's understandable if you are trying to attract and retain the young, but there is a callous rejection of anyone that is deemed no longer useful that is harsher than so-called "worldly" standards.
No way is there a "place for all" in God's organization and the criteria for being considered useful is getting narrower and narrower.
Isn't it ironic how less than 10 years ago they were beating the internet up, a calling smart phones as an unwise use of time. Oh thar religion annoys me. -
It also, maybe unreasonably, makes me angry that they promote apple products that are so dang expensive.
Those older folks are likely on a fixed income and could buy comparable devices in other brands that are much less expensive.
It seems like they're just adding insult to injury, especially if these devices will cause frustration and remain unused.
Sail away your post is so incredibly sad. He believes he has done the good " Christian" thing all his life, it must make you so angry for your poor kids and grandson though - oh how those GB have a WORLD of suffering to answer for.
Same for the OP....elders or no, they are just so much materiel to a soul-less organization that makes a multi- national look compassionate towards their retirees.
It also, maybe unreasonably, makes me angry that they promote apple products that are so dang expensive.
I agree Great teacher skills can be taught but how on earth can pensioners afford iPads for goodness sakes??
Isn't this the story of life on earth, though: You get old, you get replaced?
Wouldn't there also be a story of woe if the older ones were expected to remain in their positions of power (for that is what those positions are) until they were all but dead or demented?
I support the view that these men, more often than not, were vehicles through which the organization exerted its negative influence over the rank and file.
I did not shed a single tear when the older-age elders in my formwer congregation were put out to pasture. I thought, "About time!"
Oh, don't get me wrong: I did not react that way because I was eager for new blood to step into their shoes but because this is the way of life on earth. JW organization is not so special and different after all. Men are men are men - into power and control no matter how sweetly they talk.
My loyal, hard-working maternal JW grandfather was "retired" due to poorer physical health in the late 1950s and replaced by younger ones who promptly forgot him and all his dedicated service. Now, they too are long-gone, replaced by younger men. Boo-hoo. Not
I can express individual sadness and empathy towards specific JW men who are being replaced. But I do not lament that this is a male-dominated organization in which men strut the stage with their dubious power and control. More often than not, they eagerly carry out the will of the organization as quick as blink and do not give a damn for the hurt and pain they cause in doing so.