So I've mentioned this friend of my husband's who started writing to me out of the blue about three years ago, decades after we D'aed. Last August I wrote to her about the ARC and Jackson's summons. I gave her the website details so she could see for herself. I thought she would at least have a look online. Wrong, she sent me that revolting booklet Return to Jehovah instead.
Apparently she says Big J is very merciful and will never forget me. How arrogant, I haven't done anything that needs forgiving.
Child abuse? What does she think about Jackson being forced to appear before the Royal Commision?
'Unfortunately it seems to be everywhere now, how this system stinks! It is so rotten. Yes - even some who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses may not be true Christians, but we will have to leave that to ...(you know who)
She says 'we all have to answer to God for our actions. It is a very sad world we live in and we so desperately want Jehovah to do something soon - we hope so'.
This booklet says ' (big J) wants me to experience the relief of a clean conscience.' Written by men who hide paedophiles. Apparently 'the elders will treat (me) kindly..they will mercifully help (me) to correct any mistakes I have made'.
Who believes this rubbish! Why would I want to sit at the back of a KH for years with everyone ignoring me. They were doing this to people before I left, why doesn't this JW woman know this?
I don't know if I'll write again. Such wilfull refusal to look at the facts just revolts me. It is actually a sad world that she lives in and waiting for her invisible friend to save little children from abuse when they should all be yelling at their Elders about it is condoning it. I hate cowardice. At times like this I think if they haven't the guts to face reality after sixty years in that religion then they all deserve one another.