Are You Confident With Covid Vaccines and What Officials Say Is The Right Thing To Do?

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    A big part of the rationale for vaccination is herd immunity. If there were no vaccines our healthcare systems would be overwhelmed every winter with people with flu/COVID/RSV. It is therefore important that people who want to avail themselves of a vaccine can.

    I don't believe in mandatory vaccination. People should be free to choose either way. Just like their religion and politics 😉

  • TonusOH
    Imagine Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being the Atty. General?

    Not quite, but close. Kennedy is Trump's "Health Czar."

  • Vidqun

    Mickey mouse, "herd immunity" is a pipe dream. The vaccine developers can never keep up with the latest variants. As they vaccinate, the resistant variants flourish. The viruses will always be one step ahead.

  • DesirousOfChange

    So much has changed in the four years since the OP.

    Clearly, they lied about the vaccines just as much as they lied about the virus.

  • Riley

    In 2020 when Covid come apon humanity , the only thing they knew about the virus was it was very similar to MERS ( Middle Eastern Respiratory ) which has about a 40% fatality rate. The health authorities were justified in being cautious. The accusation that the scientific community was lying requires the premise they already knew everything about the virus which isn't true.

    The 2021 when covid was novel to humanity , there was a 14 fold reduction of hospitalizations, ICU admissions and covid deaths between being vaxxed and unvaxxed. In 2024 when separated by age and adjusted per 100,000 cases, there is no evidence that being vaccinated leads to an increase in heart attacks, strokes or Cancers.

    In 2024 chances you are have some immunity either though vaccination or infection and life goes on but please don't think anyone has been vindicated with there anti-vaccination views. I don't know why more ex-jws don't have more of a problem with poorly educated halfwits telling highly educated people they don't know what they are doing. It is kind of the whole premise of the WTS.

  • Vidqun
    poorly educated halfwits telling highly educated people they don't know what they are doing

    Yup, Riley. For a change, most halfwit JWs were encouraged to take the vaxx, which means they listened to the highly educated people to their sorrow. Notice what's happening in Australia. Their vaxxes were especially contaminated by plasmid DNA from the manufacturing process. Safe and effective you say!

  • KerryKing

    I'm never confident about anything the government tells me, unless they promise to raise taxes, I'm very confident they will do that.

  • NotFormer

    KerryKing, the one thing you can trust governments to get right! 🙄

  • Palegreen

    I never for a second wanted that unproven untested shot. I am NOT antivax by any means!

    I'm also not a dimwit in realizing right out of the gate. Vaccine tech even unproven mrna was never going to be able to contain a rapidly mutating respiratory strain. It's just not stable enough.

    It took legit 5 seconds, early on to find current and non muted studies on mrna. And how it WAS not ready for human consumption. It was having severe consequences in mammals organs. Very many various and vast internal organ damage

    Ok....then articles slowly turn into. Nations came to together! For the common good, they suddenly all are working together....unity to create a cure. So um yea.....we were suddenly able to advance a medication because..ummm unity and all that ""

    Well can take it from there.... and yes I am repulsed by the society's stance during. It WAS eye opening.

  • Raimundo

    Hello, here is a site where many brothers complain about what the governing body did with the vaccines during the updates

    There are many letters and responses from the branch to the complaints

    here is a complaint letter

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