Jws think their organization is the most honest and righteous Christian based faith in the world solemnly chosen by god because of that.
I thought it would interesting to evaluate the many persistent lies the JWS propagate from the top leaders down.
First up the many lies and biblicaly unsupported doctrines made by the WTS own leaders such as pin pointing the exact year and time of Christ's return and establishing his throne in heaven, once in 1874 then 1914.
Why did they not adhere to Jesus's own words of no one knows of the time and he admonished his true followers to not set a time upon god's own sacred time is a puzzling mystery, maybe not considering the WTS used this proclamation in proliferating many of its pieces of literature since its inception as being a religious publishing house.
The three separate times the WTS used the 6000 years of mankind's existence over the years, the last making up 1975.
Doctrinal lies and goof ups are plenty, strewn across the time and duration of this organization.
There are many lies propagated by the JWS about the people who make up the body of the organization as they are morally superior and behave simply better socially than other people in general.
Can you add to this list of lies ?