New Discovery at Mt. Ebal: the earliest historical instance of the name of God
by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Oh lord, get ready for some hyper-spastic "See? We told you so" articles from the WTS for the next decade.
So the correct name of GOD should be Yahweh and not Jehovah ,the Watchtower / Jehovah`s Witnesses got it wrong again .
I think that everyone else has known that for years have they ?
No, Odin is God's name. Those symbols look a lot more like a Odin:
They knew the truth. -
"Cursed, cursed, cursed - cursed by God YHW.
You shall die cursed.
You shall surely die cursed.
Cursed by God YHW - cursed, cursed, cursed."Wow! Sounds like a great, kind, and loving god.
The only "exciting" part (for Theologians) is that this paleographic document is the EARLIEST provable
writing pre-dating what was thought feasible.
Ho-hum for the rest of us.
The Tower will go bananas celebrating (probably) -
Pronouncing YWH as "Jehovah" would be like an American named George going to Mexico and all the locals demanding he be called "Gorge". His name is George and I am pretty sure he'd appreciate it if you called him that. -
I'm with jhine on this one. Besides you still could put any vowels you wanted in there, the jw's would have no real reason to celebrate. You still have the problem of jehovah, jahuvoh, etc...
I watched the entire video. I'll be really interested to read how the story develops. I subscribe to BAR (Biblical Archaeology Review), and I'm sure there will be articles about this.
I came away with the impression that there will be significant criticism concerning the find. It was found in a rubbish pile of debris thrown away from a previous (1980's) excavation of the site, so it was not found in situ. That alone will really call it into question.