I went to a couple of the Mormon Zoom meetings in the pandemic but I couldn’t stick it. The same with the Iglesias Ni Cristo. I kind of wish I had stuck it out because I would be interested to know how they dealt with the lockdowns and so on.
slimboyfat joins the Mormons!
by slimboyfat 95 Replies latest jw experiences
I’ve said this before…
…the LDS is the WTS’s nicer but weirder older cousin.
They are much more insistent about taking your money off you than Watchtower.
I enjoy listening to their tabernacle choir singing “America” and Christmas songs. But that’s it. In Lahaina Maui this tragic week, their building is Beeing used as a shelter since it survived. Wondering if the still standing Kingdom Hall will be used for community good, or just for members only.
I went to a recruitment meeting/movie for people interested in LDS. It really opened my eyes to the ruling over your own universe. That beats the WTS somewhat.
Since leaving the JWs, I have become fascinated in the LDS. Yes I agree, it’s nicer, but weirder, older cousin. As a lifestyle choice I wished I had been born LDS.